A Poem in Your Honor

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   You and the suitor team stand outside the school. The only one missing from the group is Epel.

   Riddle folds his arms. "What's taking Epel so long? It's nearly time to go."

   Ace chuckles. "You think he got cold feet?"

   Rook shakes his head. "Non, non. Monsieur Pommette would never behave in a cowardly manner. I'm certain he'll turn up any moment-"

   "Sheesh, way to come in at the buzzer." Ace pauses. "Uh, Epel?"

   Epel rides a white horse towards your group. "Sorry for the wait! It took a bit to get everything ready."

   Ace's eyes widen. "Why are you riding a horse?"

   Epel tilts his head. "What do you mean? Aren't princes supposed to arrive on horseback?"

   "Does any prince from this century do that?" Ace runs a hand through his hair. "Housewarden? Rook? Back me up here!"

   "Epel..." Rook steps forward. "I have but one thing to say about your hard work, ingenuity, dynamism, and determination: très bien!"

   Riddle smiles. "You also chose the most uncooperative horse in the entire Equestrian Club's stables. And yet it's on its best behavior! You must have a way with horses, Epel."

   You slowly approach the horse as to not frighten it. You reach a hand out and the horse bumps its head against you.

   You laugh and pet the horse. "That was pretty impressive, Epel."

   Epel blushes and rubs the back of his neck. "You flatter me."

   Ace shakes his head. "Dude, talk about dressin' for the job you want."

   Riddle gives Ace a sideways glance. "Are you finished griping, Ace? We don't have all night, you know."

   Rook nods. "We have three hours until the wedding. I'm afraid we must save the friendly banter for later."

   Ace puts a hand indignantly to his chest. "Oh, I'M the distraction?"

   You put a hand to Ace's shoulder. "It's okay, Ace. I believe in you."

   Ace places his hand over yours. "At least you get me."

   You and the boys walk to the front doors while Epel trots on his horse.

   Epel takes a deep breath. "Okay, here goes nothing!" He turns to the ghost guarding the door. "Hello!"

   The ghost looks to your group. "Hm?"

   "Bon soir." Rook gives a bow. "We are here to seek the lovely bride's hand in marriage."

   "More suitors?" The ghost rolls his eyes. "Our princess is fed up with the stream of insolent louts knocking on our door. I have standing orders to let no one pass! Remove yourselves at once!"

   "Are you sure you want me to leave?" Epel hops off the horse. "You'll sorely regret it if you do."

   The guard quirks an eye. "Is that right? Well, don't you sound sure of yourself. If you're so confident, then I shall assess you."

   The guard points to you. "Pretend she's the princess and propose to her! Convince me you're serious, and I might consider letting you pass."

   You were taken aback. "Wait, me?"

   Epel's cheeks flushed. "W-we have to propose to Y/N?"

   Ace rubs the back of his neck, not daring to look at you. "Let's bang this out and get through then."

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