Uncharted Territory

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Idia turns to walk away but Rook raises a hand. "Idia, wait!"

"What?" Idia turns around with a groan. "Was there something else?"

"You're forgetting Vil's skincare products." Rook gestures to Ortho who still holds the briefcase. "Could you please make certain he gets them?"

Idia rolls his eyes with a sigh. "K. I'll pass 'em along as soon as all the tests are done."

"Merci, Roi de sa Chambre." Rook bows elegantly.

Idia groans. "Could you at least TRY to read the room? You are so exhausting."

Idia hops into a large, black vehicle that hovers in the air. It's stylized to look like a bat. The vehicle takes off at remarkable speeds and quickly disappears.

"Whoa! What was that thing he took off in?" Epel asks. "It was super rad!"

"That was a Styx-made technomantic vehicle. We call them Chariots." Ortho informs. "Most of the island residents don't live in the ancient city here on the seabed level. They reside in the residential block of Oceanus, which is the outer wall covering the island. We've got maglev trains and elevators, but flying machines are still the most efficient way to get around."

"Right, the outer wall." Epel nods and looks to the ceiling. "It just looks like sky up there, but I guess we ARE underwater. It's wild seeing the sky at the bottom of the ocean."

You look up as well. It really does look like the sky.

"Humans receive remarkable physical and mental benefits from natural light. So we use all kinds of advanced technologies to emulate life on land as much as possible." Ortho explains. "In addition to the inner wall's artificial sky, we also have different weather and seasons. There are forests and rivers too."

Epel's eyes widen in awe. "Well Ah'll be..."

Rook smiles to Ortho. "What marvelous technology. I can hardly believe we're on the ocean floor myself."

Ortho laughs. "I know, right? It's much more pleasant down here than it is on land!"

"And speaking of marvelous," Rook gestures to the buildings surrounding you. "I cannot help but marvel at the beautiful architecture around us. Those columns are very distinctive. They remind me of ones in the ruins in the Kingdom of Heroes."

Ortho tilts his head. "From what I understand, the Island of Woe used to be part of the Kingdom of Heroes way back when. The buildings here in this ancient city are vestiges of that time."

"My word! So these buildings are historic relics?" Rook turns in a circle as he marvels at the buildings. "They've been preserved remarkably well!"

"What's that giant pillar in the middle?" Epel asks.

Turning to where he's looking, you see a large, white pillar that stretches from the ground to the domed roof. It looks like it's the center of the underwater city.

Ortho smiles under his mask. "That connects to the Oceanus Gate, the entrance you came in through. It's Styx's headquarters. The column goes down through the island and then waaay deeper."

You quirk an eye. "Define 'deeper'."

"There are a bunch of Phantoms buried beneath that pillar. They're currently asleep and frozen. But still, don't go wandering over there just because you're curious." Ortho looks to the floor and holds his arm. "You wouldn't want to end up like me."

Ortho goes quiet, seemingly lost in thought. You take a step closer and place a gentle hand to the boys shoulder. "Ortho? Is everything okay?"

Ortho jolts up, backing away from you as he shakes his head. "Nothing! Nothings's wrong. Point is, there are many dangerous areas on this island, so don't go wandering about like tourists. Now, let's get going. Follow me."

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