Ace at the Arcade

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You're phone buzzes on the coffee table. Picking it up, you can see Ace is calling you. You look puzzled, wondering why he's calling you. You answer it anyways.


"Good, I'm glad I caught you. Do you have anything going on today?" Ace asks.

"Ummm, no?"

"Great! I'll be over shortly."

Before you can say anything else, Ace hung up the call. You pull the phone away from your ear, looking at it even more confused than before.

Okay, that was weird.

After a few moments, you hear a knock on your door. Getting up, expecting who's on the other side. You open the door to see Ace waiting on the other side.

"Hey Y/N!" Ace waves to you.

"Okay, what is going on?"

"What? Can't a guy hangout with his friend?"

"But what was up with the weird call?" You tilt your head.

"Okay so remember when I said I'd make it up to you after I..." He trails off, scratching the back of his neck.

"After you were a jerk to me?"

"Yup, that." Ace winces at the memory. "So I finally came up with something to make it up to you."

"Really? What is it?"

Ace waves a finger. "Not so fast. It's a surprise."

You quirk an eye at him. Ace laughs and waves you off. "Come on! I know you'll like this."

You sigh. "Okay, lead the way oh wise leader."

"Okay Ace, what's going on?"

Ace shade you covering you eyes with your hands so you wouldn't peek. He took you off campus but as you neared your destination, Ace refused to let you see where you're going. Always saying it's a surprise. Now you're finally in front of a building as much as you'd gathered.

"Just wait."

Ace lead you through the door and as soon as you enter, the noise immediately hits your ears. You hear music playing and people talking in the background. The sound of games and people cheering cheering gives it away.

"Is this..."

Ace takes your hands off your eyes. You blink rapidly, getting used to the bright lights flashing all around you. You look around in amazement, a smile is brought to your lips.

"Told ya you'd like it."

You turn back to Ace, still smiling. "You brought me to an arcade?"

"It took a little while to think of what you'd like." Ace rubs the back of his neck. "But this seemed like a good option.

"This is amazing Ace!" You take his hands in yours excitedly. "Thank you!"

Ace smiles. "Why if course. Now what game should we play first?"

After playing various arcade games, you come across a claw machine that had the cutest stuffed animals you've ever seen. You spot a round, white bunny with big floppy ears. It has the cutest, biggest black eyes that just calls out for you. It was the most adorable thing you have ever seen.

"Okay, I have to try and win that." You say as you put a few coins into the slot.

Ace looks at the bunny you're trying to win. "You do know these things are rigged, right?"

You wave Ace off. "I know. I just have to try at least once."

You look determinedly at the bunny, lining up the claw perfectly. You push the button for the claw to drop. Anxiously you watch the claw descend. The claw grabs the bunny.


But the claw let's go of the bunny.


You watch in defeat as the claw returns to its resting position. Ace laughs beside you.

"I could've predicted that."

You turn to Ace, folding your arms. "Like you could do a better job?"

Ace smirks, confidently inserting a couple coins into the machine. "Please, I could do this with my eyes closed."

He carefully maneuvered the claw, trying to snag the plush bunny that sat tantalizingly close. Ace was able to get the claw to grab onto the plush but just as the claw starts to lift the bunny up, the claw slipped and the bunny fell back into the depths of the machine. Ace let out a frustrated groan and turned to you only to see you laughing at him.

"I thought you said you could do this in your sleep?" You say, eyes sparkling with amusement.

Ace's cheeks flush with embarrassment. He scoffs. "I was just making it so you wouldn't feel bad for loosing the first time."

You quirk an eyebrow. "Oh is that right?"

Ace puts in another set of coins. "Just watch and you'll see."

Ace tried again and this time, the claw seemed to be working in his favor. It grasped the bunny tightly, and Ace let out a triumphant shout as he watched it slide down the chute and into his waiting hands.

He hands you the prize. "Here you go, just as promised."

You take the bunny from his hands. Its plush fur even softer then you imagined. "Thank you Ace!"

You throw your arms around his shoulders, holding in a tight hug. Ace wraps his arms around your waist. Resting his head on your shoulder, holding you close.

"No problem, Y/N."

You let go and hold Ace's hand. "Let's go find some more games!"

"Okay okay!"

You drag Ace to another game and he laughs and shakes his head, feeling proud he conquered the claw machine.

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