Lounge Confusion

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After a lot of chasing and passing the picture around away from the twins, the sun starts to set.

Floyd frowns. "Okay, I'm tired of chasing 'em around."

"There's not long to go now." Jade encourages his brother. "Let's just enjoy it."

"Hey, Y/N!" Jack calls to you. "The sun's close to setting!"

"Y/N, are you SURE you know what you're doin'?" Grim asks.

You nod. "I'm positive. They'll come through for us!"

When the twins seemed distracted enough, you slip away and made it back to the Mirror Chamber. You pick yourself back up and run to the dorm mirrors, dripping water everywhere you go.

In VIP room of the Mostro Lounge, Azul sits behind the desk. He pulls out a pocket watch and checks the time.

"It seems Jade and Floyd have matters well in hand." Azul grins. "Now Ramshackle Dorm and the photo are as good as mine."

Azul puts a hand to his chin. "And Y/N will be mine as well. It seem like everything is going my way."

Azul laughs but is interrupted by frantic knocking coming from the door. An Octavinelle student rushes in.

"Pardon me, Mr. Manager!" He shouts.

Azul glowers at the student for interrupting his moment of glory. "What is it, and where's your indoor voice?"

"Sorry, sir. The Mostro Lounge is dealing with a problem right now..."

Azul tilts his head. "Of what nature?"

"Some customers are arguing and getting rowdy, and Jade and Floyd are out right now..."

Azul sighs and rolls his eyes. "Really, now. What kind of unmannerly lout starts a scene in a dining establishment? Very well. I'll be right there."

The student nods and exits the room. Azul stands and fixes his suit. "I'm sure Jade and Floyd will handle things well enough on their own."

Azul steps out of the room and into the Lounge. "Dear me..."

The whole Lounge was crowded with students, most are from Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw. Students are angrily shouting at the staff and at one another.

Azul watches in disbelief. "What is the meaning of this? We've barely opened our doors for the day. How is everything already in such disarray?"

"HEY! I want my drink and I want it NOW!"

"Meat! Meat!"

"Hey, that's MY meat! I ordered that!"

Azul groans in frustration and walks through the crowd,l. "Clear the way. Coming through!" Azul bumps into Ruggie. "Excuse me!"

"It's cool, you're excused." The hyena laughs.

Azul makes his way towards the panicking staff. Rowdy students are everywhere, making it hard to even take a step.

"Hey, waiter! I need a refill!"

"Yessir!" A panicked wait staff nods. "Be right there, sir!"

One of the staff runs up to Azul. "Housewarden! We've been so flooded with orders that our stock of food for the day has run out!"

"We're running low on beverages, too!" Another cries out.

Azul scoffs. "Already? Fine. So be it." Azul digs into his coat pockets. "I'll get some cash from the vault. You make a quick run to the school store and..."

Azul's eyes widened, panic flooding through him. "I-it's gone! The vault key is gone! No, no, no!"

Azul runs into the VIP room, stopping short upon noticing someone else is there. Leona sits on the desk, leaning back on his hands. He tilts his head and smugly smirks at Azul.

"Hey there, cephalo-punk."

Azul narrows his eyes. "Leona Kingscholar..."

"What's a calm, collected guy like you doing in such a tizzy?" Leona taunts.

"It's none of your business." Azul snaps. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Funny you should ask. Y'see, I've got this key here." Leona holds out a set of keys, dangling them on a finger. "Yours, I believe? I found it on the floor and had a feeling it was yours. So I'm bringing it back."

Azul's eyes widen in panic. "H-hey! That's-"

"I knew it." Leona grins. "Bingo."

Azul approaches the lion. "Give that back this instant. Theft is a serious crime!"

Leona scoffs. "Here I'm playing nice and bringing it right to you, and you're treating me like a common thief?" Leona tosses the keys to Azul. "Fine. Here, it's all yours."

Azul catches the keys and breathes a sigh of relief. Leona stands and walks to the door. "That's all I'm here for. See you around."

Once Leona was out of the room, Azul rushes to the safe. "The contracts... Are the contracts there?"

Azul's heart stops. Every single golden paper was nowhere to be found. "They're... gone. The contract scrolls are nowhere to be found!" Azul runs his hands through his hair.

"Did Leona have something to do this?"

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