Mine »» Will Halstead

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My eyes darted up in the direction of Will and some girl he's been talking to for a few weeks now. He told me they aren't dating but they are close. Hearing him talk that way about another girl makes my heart sore but I've got no room to say anything to him. He and I have been friends for about four years but we never dated. He never showed those type of feelings and I never seen him in that way until this past year.

Asking him out didn't seem like a good choice because like I said before, he never showed those kind of feelings. So why would I ruin our friendship over something so stupid? He gives her a smile while purposely leaning closer to her. A sigh leaves my mouth as I finish getting my discharge papers ready.

Maggie gives me a patient saying it's an older woman who requested a female doctor. Apparently she doesn't want any male doctors treating her due to past trauma. I read over her chart and head to her room. "Hi Mrs. Williams," I greet and she smiles at me. "Your chart says that you passed out unexpectedly in the grocery store this morning." I look up at her.

"Yes, I was doing my grocery shopping like I do every Sunday morning and suddenly I started feeling really dizzy and that's all I remember." She tells me. I nod understandingly.

"Do you or anyone you know suffer from vertigo?" I ask and she tells me no. "Okay well I'd like to get you tested." I say. She agrees and I leave to go put in that paperwork. As I'm typing away at the computer, Will comes over to me, getting on the computer next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. "We haven't talked all day and I'm starting to miss having you around?" He frowns. Ever since becoming friends with him, we barely spend a second apart. We grew to be really close.

"I'm fine just really busy today." I say, never taking my eyes off the screen.

"Okay. Wanna get lunch after this?" He asks. I look over at him and give a smile before saying yes. When break came around we sit down in the cafeteria together. I open the small box in front of me that contains my salad and sandwich. "For a minute I thought you were avoiding me earlier." He chuckles.

"No. I've just had a busy morning. I saw you and that nurse this morning. How is it going with her anyway?" I ask. Not sure why I'm asking when I really don't want to know.

"It's good but I don't know that I'm feeling it. She's great but we don't have anything in common," he admits. "Not like me and you."

I take in a breath and give a small smile. "You know what they say, opposites attract." I laugh.

"Maybe." He says before taking a bite of food. Lunch went on and so did the rest of the day. It came time to leave, my shift had ended. I grab all my stuff and head outside. As I'm walking to my car I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. Looking over I see Will. "We need to talk." He says while stopping me. He stood in front of me, stopping me from walking.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I realized why none of my past relationships worked out in the last four years." He tells me and I frown. "It's because I'm in love with you. I don't want anyone else y/n. I want you. I'm sorry and I know this is all sudden but you-" he starts and I cut him off by cupping his cheeks in my hands and kissing him. He seemed surprised but kissed me back. His arms around me tightly, holding my body close to his.

It felt like everything started falling into place and everything is perfect. We pull away after like forever and smile at each other. "I love you too Will. Honestly I hated the thought of anyone else having you." I say and he smiles.

"I'm so happy you feel the same way because I was terrified of ruining our friendship." He said and I told him that I had the same thought too. He walks me to my car and we make plans for a first date. He leaves me with one last kiss before heading to his own car. Today turned out better than I thought it would and I'm happy to finally have the guy I've been dreaming about for...well forever.

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