Confession »» Matt Casey

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The sound of my phone ringing in the quiet, made me groan. The room is dark so my hand roamed the night table, looking for it. Finally, my fingers grasp the phone, pulling it to my ear when seeing that Matt is calling me. It's almost 3 in the morning. What could he possibly want this late? As soon as I held the phone to my ear, loud music could be heard in the background.

"Hello?" My voice calls out.

"Y/n, it's me Matt." He replies.

"Yes I know that because you called me. What do you want?"

"I'm drunk. Like so drunk and I..." it fell silent for a minute. There's someone yelling in the background but I'm not sure what they're saying.

"I'm coming to get you, just text me where you're at." I sigh. After climbing out of bed and throwing some clothes on, I leave to go get my drunk friend. He texts me the address to some random bar. Once pulling up, I shut the car off and head inside to find him. It's crowded so not easy. While scanning the room, I spot him talking with a few people near the bar.

"Ready to head home?" I ask when approaching him. His head turns to face me. A smile forms on his lips as he pulls me into a hug. I chuckle while hugging him back. "Okay, let's go." I say. When he's in the car and buckled up, I get in, and start my drive to his place. It's quiet for a few minutes. The only sound is the radio turned down low but enough to hear it.

"Thank you for coming to get me." He looks over at me.

"No problem. You never get drunk like this, it surprised me when you called." I tell him. He sighs, leaning back in his seat.

"Well there's this girl," he starts, making me smirk. "She's absolutely gorgeous but even though I tell her everyday, she doesn't believe me."

That made me wonder who the lucky girl is. Realization settled into my brain when figuring out that everyday when coming into work, he calls me gorgeous or beautiful. He says that he will keep telling me that until I start to believe it myself. "Tell me more about this girl." I reply, wanting to know more.

"Well we work together, so that makes it harder for me to be around her everyday. I'd ask her out but there feels like so many things holding us back."

I frown, glancing over at him then back at the road. "Like what?"

"I'm her boss and it's forbidden. And I'm pretty sure she'd say no." He admits. I smirk.

"You don't know that. Maybe she will surprise you by saying yes." I assure him. He obviously doesn't realize I'm in love with him too. I've liked him since the day we met. He's sweet, compassionate, and always finds a way to make me laugh. I'd of asked him out sooner but I didn't know he felt the same. It made me happy to know he does.

"You're right. I'm going to call her right now," he tells me while pulling out his phone. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing and I laugh. I answer it and hold the phone to my ear.

"Y/n." He says, making me laugh more. "I'm in love with you and I want to be with you."

"Really?" I smirk. "I love you too Matt."

"She likes me too." He smiles while holding the phone away from his ear. I hang up and playfully roll my eyes at him.

"Let's table this conversation until you're sober." I smile. He nods and puts his phone away. We finally arrive at his house where I help him inside. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I say while putting his keys on the table. He grabs my waist, pulling me close to him, leaving no space between us. Our faces were inches apart. My stomach is doing backflips being this close to him.

"Or you could stay." He whispers. His face inches closer to mine until his lips brush against mine. I want nothing more than to kiss him. But he's drunk and this doesn't feel right.

"Matt," I whisper while pulling out of his grip. "As much as I want're drunk and we can't right now."

"Then when?" He asks. I smile while opening the front door to his house.

"Ask me again tomorrow."

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