My eyes opened to see the sun shining in through the window. A smile appeared on my face realizing that today is my birthday and every year that we've been together Jay always goes all out for me even when he knows that he doesn't have too. A frown formed on my face seeing that he isn't laying next to me.
Just as I'm about to get out of bed the bedroom door opens to reveal my perfect boyfriend. He's holding a tray of food in his hands as he brings it over to me. "Aww you didn't have to make me breakfast." I smiled. He sat it down on my lap before sitting next to me.
"Today is yours and I want to spoil you. So eat up because after you get ready we're going out. And before you ask where, it's a surprise." He smirked at me. I gave him a thank you kiss then started eating the breakfast he made for me. Later I took a shower and got ready for the day.
When entering the living room I found Jay talking to someone on his phone. As soon as he saw me he hung up then gave me a soft smile. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded feeling confused about who he was talking to. Shrugging it off we left and went to wherever he's taking me. Like I mentioned before, he goes all out so I'm kind of excited for the mystery.
Soon we pulled up in front of the hospital where I work. "What are we doing here?" I finally ask after the anticipation started getting to me. He stopped the car and smiled at me happily.
"April and some of your other friends asked me to stop here because they have a surprise for you." He told me. Just by the look on his face I can tell he's in on whatever this surprise might be. Not saying another word we got out and went inside the ED. That's where we found Maggie at the front desk working.
"Happy birthday!" She smiled.
"Thank you." I replied.
"Come on, I've got a surprise for you." She said while taking me into the break room. My eyes widened seeing all my friends in there yelling happy birthday at me. It made my heart happy as they gave me a hug.
"Are you ready for your surprise?" April asked.
"Yeah because all of us here at the hospital pitched in and got you something that you've been wanting." Will added. I nodded and watched as they brought out a small puppy. Joy filled my eyes seeing the small animal as they put him in my arms.
"He's so cute, I love him. You said we couldn't get a dog." I turned my head to Jay. He smirked.
"I changed my mind and plus, he's adorable." He told me. I definitely agreed with that while kissing the dog on his head. After leaving we spent the whole day together until night time rolled around. Jay has been sort of secretive all day with text messages and phone calls he wouldn't tell me about.
Now he says to leave the dog at home because he's got one last surprise for me. Excitement started getting to me as he drove to the last place he wants to take me. Last year for my birthday he surprised me with a trip back home to see my family. Im excited to see what he's gonna do this year.
We pulled up in front of the same old bar that we hangout in some times, called Molly's. "What are we doing here?" My eyebrow raised.
"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, now would it?" He laughed at me and I playfully rolled my eyes. He gets on my nerves but all in a good way. The two of us got out where he grabbed my hand in his and we went inside.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled causing me to smile. Every single one of my friends from the hospital are here and more. "Happy birthday," Kim hugged me and I thanked her.
"Happy birthday y/n." Kelly said while hugging me and I thanked him as well. Everyone wished me a happy birthday then we started to get the party started.
"So is this why you have been so secretive all day?" I ask Jay. He smirks at me.
"Yea because I wanted this to be a surprise and I think it was a success." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
We had a lot of fun with mingling and eating the huge cake Jay got for me. He bought it and asked Maggie to bring it here as a surprise to me.
"Let me buy you a birthday drink. What's your favorite drink? Anything you want." Will asked as he came over to where I sat at the bar.
"You don't have to do that," I tried telling him but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Once telling him my drink he bought it for me and I thanked him. We all had a lot of fun and I was sure to thank everyone for the gifts they gave me and for even thinking of me.
The party soon came to an end so Jay and I went home. The puppy was excited to see us as we walked through the door. As I'm petting him behind his ears I hear Jay yell for me from in the kitchen. Curious as to what he wants I made my way in there only to cover my mouth with the palm of my hand.
"Oh my god," the three words came out muffled due to my hand. Even though my lips are covered he could see the obvious smile on my face. Our puppy, which we named, y/d/n, had gotten his small body into the big bag of dog food we bought and spilled it all over the floor.
"I'm happy you think this is funny because your cleaning it up." He smirked at me. I busted out laughing and watched as he smiled at me. "Y/n the mess," Jay whined sarcastically. It caused me to laugh even harder. When calming down I looked at my amazing boyfriend.
"We'll clean it up together. Can you grab the broom for me please?" I ask him. He nods and hands it to me. While I swept up the mess he picked up the bag and put it on a high shelf. Later that night y/d/n slept between Jays legs and it honestly was so cute that I had to take a picture.
"Today was amazing, thank you for everything." I said while cuddling close to him.
"I'm just happy that you enjoyed it. I love you y/n and you deserve the world."
"I love you too, Jay." I smiled before leaning in to kiss him softly.
____________________________ Btw this is the dog that Jay got you for your birthday
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