One drunk night »» Matt Casey 🚒

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Word count; 952

With shaky hands, I lifted the shot glass to my lips and drank the hard liquor

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With shaky hands, I lifted the shot glass to my lips and drank the hard liquor. Today has been one disaster after another. My job is on the line after trying to save a woman from a burning building then failing. She died and it's all my fault. How could I be so stupid? Not to mention my father is in the hospital after getting into a car accident.

Thankfully my good friend Natalie Manning, who works at Med is taking care of him. She is always sure to call and fill me in on how he's doing. My heart is just hurting tonight and there's nothing I can do about it except drink the pain away. Kelly told me not to worry so much and everything is going to be okay. But I can't believe that.

The sound of someone walking in the bar could be heard but I didn't care. I felt eyes on me as someone sat down on the stool next to mine. Looking over I saw it's only Matt and sighed. He gave me an apologetic smile while ordering his drink. "Are you okay, y/n?" He asked worriedly. The two of us have kind of had a flirty relationship going on for months now.

He's sweet and someone I care deeply for. Really the only guy in the world who understands me and that takes a lot. "Yea." I lied, which he knew. His eyebrow raised at my answer causing me to sigh and tell him the truth. "No, I'm not okay."

"Talk to me. I'm here to listen, not judge." He assured me. I smiled slightly and told him how today has made me feel. The woman in the fire and my dad. By the end his face had softened and he gave me an apologetic look. Sympathy isn't what I'm looking for and he knows this. "Y/n," he started and I looked into his eyes.

"I know you hate sympathy but just hear me out," he said and it made me chuckle. "That woman wasn't your fault and you know it. Stop blaming yourself over something you had no control over. I'm sorry about your dad but any time you need a shoulder, I'm here."

His words made me smile as I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close to his side. This, this makes me feel better. Our moment soon got interrupted when the bartender brought over Matt's drink. He thanked the woman and she nodded then walked away.

"Thanks for being here and comforting me after today." I spoke while pulling away to look at him. He took a swig of his drink then sighed.

"Of course y/n, I'd always be there for you. I...I love you." He let out. My heart skipped a beat at his words and I gave him a smile. I have loved him for the longest time and to hear him say that makes me so happy even through this hard time.

"I love you too, Matt."

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before leaning in to place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Let me get you home, it's late." He suggested. I nodded and paid for our drinks while also leaving a tip. We headed out and got into his car before he took me home. The ride fell silent but a comfortable silence.

Like a gentleman, he walked me to my front door and waited while I unlocked it. "I should get going but call me if you need anything." He said. Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving. He turned and looked at me confused.

"This may sound odd or whatever but would you stay with me tonight? I just don't want to be alone."

He raised an eyebrow then nodded his head yes. We went inside my place before throwing my keys onto the side table. "Y/n," Matt called my name and I turned to face him. He stepped closer to me, his face inches from mine. It sort of made me nervous as his hand reached up to cup my cheek.

"I love you," he whispered. His lips brushed against mine causing my heart to flip inside my chest.

"I love you too," I replied. He smirked before his lips crashed into mine in a deep and greedy kiss. One that I didn't want to end. Gladly it didn't as he shoved my body against the wall, his pressed firmly against mine. He broke the kiss for only a second as he stared into my eyes then kissed me once more.

It started to get more heated and passionate. But before it could go any further he pulled away and stared at me breathlessly. It confused me, making me wonder if I did something wrong. "I'm sorry, y/n but we can't go any further."

"Why not?" I asked. He gave me a slight smile and wrapped his arms around me, holding my body close to his. "Because I want our first time together to be special...memorable." He let out. It made me smile and I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

"I don't deserve you," I grinned while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You deserve the world and more." He said before kissing me softly. After our incredible moment I put on some pajamas and he stripped down to his boxers before we crawled into bed. He cuddled me close as my head rested on his chest.

My day may not have been the best but thanks to Matt, my night has been perfect.

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