A sigh leaves my mouth when walking into the firehouse to start my shift. Kelly is standing over by the ambulance, talking with Sylvie. When he saw me he rushed out of the room so he didn't have to see me. For a few weeks, he has been doing everything to avoid me and it's starting to make me wonder why. We were close and I started to think he liked me but suddenly he just quit talking to me.It seems like everyone is noticing and it makes me feel confused. Sylvie gives me a warm smile as I walk past her to go put my things into my locker. Afterwards, I head to the common room and sit down next to Joe on the couch. My mind goes back to Kelly and how he is avoiding me. Maybe we should talk and he will tell me why he doesn't want to see me all of a sudden.
"You okay?" Joe asks and pulls me out of my thoughts. I turn my head to look at him and give a smile.
"Yeah, have you seen Kelly?" I ask.
"He's in his office." He informs me. I start to thank him but stop when we get called out. We rush to get our stuff and hop into the trucks. We arrive to a house fire where we're informed there's a mom and her toddler son stuck inside. I rush in behind Kelly and Cruz. We find the boy hiding under the bed and Kelly orders me to get him outside to safety.
I do as I'm told and carry the boy outside. Just as I'm heading down the stairs, a part of the roof caves in. I get the boy out of the way and tell him to run outside and he does. I brace myself for the impact and that's all I remember.
My eyes opened to bright lights. I close them and could hear voices around me fading in and out. I'm not sure where I am or what's going on. There's so many people talking that it's hard to focus on one voice. This time, I rub my eyes before opening them again. There's a couple of doctors in the room. I don't recognize any of them.
"What's happening?" I ask, my voice coming out weak and hoarse.
"Glad you're awake," the doctor smiles. "How are you feeling?" He asks. I take in a breath and look around the room then back at him.
"Of course. You suffered a mild concussion, and a broken leg but you're going to be fine. We want to keep you for a few days just for observation before sending you home." He tells me. I thank him for the information before he and everyone else leaves.
I sit up in bed and look around for my phone or any of my belongings. That's when there's a knock at my door and I call for whoever it is to come in. A small smile appears on my face when seeing Kelly. "How are you?" He asks while closing the door and coming to sit next to me.
"Better. Thanks for coming to see me."
"Yeah. I pulled you out of the fire...I was so scared you were..." he got silent and I grabbed his hand in mine. He smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
"I didn't know. Thanks for that." I say. It got quiet and the awkwardness filled the room. Maybe I should ask him why he has been avoiding me and why this has to be awkward. We have been close friends for so long and I'm not sure what changed. "Can I ask you something?" I raise an eyebrow. He nods his head yes. "Why have you been avoiding me?"
He lets out a breath before looking me in the eyes. "The truth is I...I have uhm. I fell in love with you y/n. It completely took me by surprise and I wasn't sure how you would react so I thought it would be best to avoid you." He admits. This time I'm surprised but I'm happy to know the reason why.
"I'm glad you said that because I love you too Kelly. I have for a while." I reply. He smiles before leaning in to kiss my forehead gently.
"Once you're better why don't we go out, on a real date? I wanna take you some place special." He suggest and I nod my head in agreement. I can't wait.

Chicago one Imagines
FanfictionThese will be imagines about whoever I write about so nothing specific 😊