My Girl »» Will Halstead

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This will be in Will's pov

My heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears. Today has finally come after eight years of waiting. From the moment y/n and I met, something in me knew she is the one. One year and two months ago is when I proposed to her and she thankfully said yes. Now the wedding day is here and I'm beyond nervous. She makes me so happy and it feels like the world just fades away when we're together.

All my friends and family love her and are very excited about today. There's this beautiful giant house that is also a hotel that she and I spent a weekend at when our car broke down on a road trip. She wanted to make the best out of a bad situation so we stayed in that house where we walked through the garden, had lunch on a beautiful balcony, and watched the sunset.

That was almost two years ago and we decided it's the perfect place for us to get married. Now here I stand, in my hotel room, adjusting the tie on my suit. The bride and all her bridesmaids got one half of the hotel and us guys have the other. So far everything is going perfectly. There's a knock at my door and I call for them to enter. It's my best man and brother, Jay.

He enters the room, a small smile on his face as he shuts the door behind him. He walks over to me, causing me to look up at him after finishing with my tie. "So how are you feeling? You're getting married in thirty minutes." He asks and I let out a breath.

"Nervous," I chuckle. "Really nervous."

"That's normal but when you see her and how beautiful she is in that dress, all your anxiety will wash away." He reassures me. I thank him and completely agreed.

"She really is the one, Jay." I say. He nods. He knows how much she means to me and how deeply in love I am with her.

"Remember what you said to me one year after you started dating?" He asks. I frown, shaking my head no.


"Alright, the beer is finally here so we can officially start guys night." I chuckle while setting beers down in front of everyone. Some friends and I are having a guys night since we haven't in a while.

"So glad you could actually join us this time." Ethan jokes. I playfully roll my eyes then take a sip from the bottle.

"Ok, give him a break," Jay smiles. "But seriously dude, she's got you wrapped around her finger." He teased. I smile as the guys tease me about y/n. We've only been together for a year but I love spending time with her.

"Okay you guys can make fun all you want but she's the one." I say.

"How do you know that?" Jay asks. I look over at my brother and smile.

"I just do. One day...I'm gonna marry her."

*End of flashback

"One day I'm gonna marry her." He repeats what I told him all those years ago. "And you did it."

"Wow it doesn't even feel like it's been that long. But I did tell you guys she's the only one for me." I sighed. He smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Ready to go get married?" He asks.

"I'm ready."

And he was right because once seeing her walk down the aisle in her dress, all that anxiety from before went away. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and I wouldn't trade a single moment spent with her. My eyes never left hers the entire time. She truly is my person.

"I love you." I whisper and she smiles at me. I can see it in her eyes that she is trying to contain her emotions and not cry.

"I love you too." She replies. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving this girl.

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