Cheater »» Will Halstead

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This will be in Will pov

The walk up the driveway felt long as my head spun around with ways of how I'm going to break the news to her. My head is hung low, staring down at the pavement beneath my feet. She's going to leave or worse...she's going to hate me. Losing y/n is not something I ever wanted to do. It's crazy how your life can change or fall apart completely in the span of a second.

My feet stops at the large white door. Slowly, my hand reaches for the doorknob. My anxiety has my hands shaking violently when trying to open the door and go inside. The house is quiet and dark, indicating that she's sleeping. Maybe this should wait until tomorrow. Why wake her up with bad news? I quietly make my way through the house before stumbling upon the bedroom. The door is cracked open, giving me a glimpse of the darkened room.

Ever since we moved into this house, the bedroom door has been squeaky so I try opening it as quietly as possible. She stirs a little in her sleep but never wakes. The only source of light is the moon shining in through the window. She must have forgotten to close the curtains before bed. She does that a lot. After changing into some more comfortable clothes, I close the curtains and head to bed.

She turns her body to face me, wrapping her arm around my body. I hold her close to me, fearing this may be the last time. She rest her head on my chest, making my heart beat quicken. "Where were you?" She whispers tiredly. I suck in a sharp breath, not wanting to tell her the truth quite yet.

"Worked late." I lie. She mumbles something then goes back to sleep. It took me hours before I was able to sleep because my mind kept racing. All my thoughts kept going back to y/n and how I'm going to lose her over something so stupid.

The next morning when my eyes opened, she no longer lay next to me. I sit up and stretch my body then head to the bathroom where I proceed to get ready for my day. I've got work in an hour and so does she. When entering the kitchen, I find my beautiful girlfriend pouring herself a cup of coffee. She looks over at me and smiles softly.

"You look like you need this," she hands me the white glass. I thank her and take a sip. I watch intently as she pours herself another glass. She gives me a frown seeing as I've been staring for too long. "Are you okay? You seem really nervous?" She asks. My head hung low for a moment then stared into her curious eyes.

"Y/n I've got something to tell you and it's not going to be easy..." I start, my voice coming out weak.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can't be that bad. Talk to me." She says while sitting next to me at the kitchen island. Sucking in a sharp breath, I speak.

"Last night after leaving work, I...I went home with...I went home with someone and-" I start but she cuts me off.

"You cheated on me?" She finished, but more as a question. My head nods slowly, feeling completely ashamed of myself and how stupid I was. She deserves better. It broke my heart seeing the sad look on her face. She pushes the cup of coffee across the countertop and stands to her feet. Without a word being said she leaves the room.

Feeling confused I followed her to the bedroom where she starts packing up her things. "Please, please don't go." I beg her knowing full well she won't listen. She turns and looks at me. Her eyes are watery with tears as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Can I ask you something?" Her voice is very quiet. I nod my head yes. "Why?" She asks, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"I don't...I don't know. It all just happened so quick." I reply. She nods her head then wipes her cheeks of any stray tears.

"I get it now," she says as more tears spill from her eyes. "I realize now you are just the same as everyone you'd convinced me you were nothing like."

It killed me to watch her pack her bags while trying not to let sobs escape her mouth. I walk over to her, grabbing her hands and removing them from the suitcase. She shoves me away from her when I try to hug her. "No," she glares angrily. "You don't get to console me when you're the reason for this..." it falls silent for at least a solid minute, maybe less. "I didn't deserve that, Will. I've been nothing but good to you."

"I know, I'm so sorry." I let out as my eyes water.

"Sorry means nothing when trust is broken." She says before zipping up her suitcase and setting it down next to her feet. "Goodbye." She whispers then starts to walk away. On her way out the door I grab her arm, stopping her. She turns and looks at me. She sees the pain in my eyes.

"Don't go. I need you...I need you to stay."

She grabs my hand that is holding her arm and removes it. She heads to the door but stops and looks at me brokenly.

"You should have thought of that before making the dumbest decision of your life." She says and just like that...she's gone. Possibly forever.

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