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Mirrors have never been my best friend. Every time I look into them all I can see is my flaws. From the time we met to now it confuses me why Will ever wanted to be with me. He could have anyone he wants yet he chose me of all people. I'm not pretty enough, or smart enough, or good enough. I'm just not enough.
He's at work right now, at the hospital. They asked if he would work the night shift and he said yes. My shift ended three hours ago and now I'm home, staring at myself in the mirror. Hating the girl that's looking back at me. I've always hated the way that I looked from the time I was sixteen.
It doesn't seem to matter how many times Will tells me I'm perfect or that in his eyes he doesn't see all those flaws. To me none of that is true. I wish that I could love myself as much as he loves me. A tear slipped from my eye and down my cheek, making me feel weak. Some times it makes me wonder if Will would be better off without me in his life.
The thought alone makes my heart ache inside my chest. My own head can make me feel really alone. "You're so worthless." I whispered to myself with tears in my eyes.
"What?" I hear a voice and turn to find Will standing there staring at me in confusion. It made my heart sink that he heard that. He stepped closer to me, only standing a few inches away. "Why would you say that?" He asked.
"What are you doing home so early?" I frowned confused.
"They had enough doctors so they let me go. Why would you say that?" He repeated himself after answering my question.
"I..." there were no words. I froze up and didn't want to tell him. Even though after a moment I did. "I just don't understand what you see. I'm not as good looking as the other girls you've dated, I could lose some weight and-" I would have continued if he didn't cup my cheeks in his hands and stare at me lovingly.
"Let's make one thing clear," he started. "You are not fat and you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. No one, not even my exes could ever compare to someone as perfect as you. Out of every girl in the world it was you that captured my heart. I love you more than words could describe, y/n."
His words made a small smile appear on my lips. He knows exactly what to say to make me feel better. My hands reached up to grip his forearms as he continued to cup my cheeks. We stared into each other's eyes and I noticed all the love in them. Friends and family have told me before that when Will looks at me it's with nothing but love in his eyes.
This time it's more than that. He's looking at me with pure love, passion, and want. I love him more than he will ever know. Slowly, he started leaning in close until the space between us closed and his lips pressed firmly against mine. It started out as a loving and passionate kiss but soon got heated and needy.
He pressed his body against mine while I deepened the kiss. My arms made their way around his neck, holding him closer. Soon enough he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "You're worth it y/n. I promise to always make you feel as loved as I know you are." He breathlessly let out. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.
"I love you so much, Will."
"I love you too, y/n."
With that being said he went back in for another kiss. Except this one was only passionate and loving before pulling away. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and gave me a warm smile. "Let's go have a movie night until we fall asleep. That's something we haven't done in a while." He suggested.
I nodded completely agreeing then went to grab the DVD player. He grabbed the movies we love binging together before setting it up in the bedroom. We crawled under the blankets and cuddled close to each other as the movie started. My head rested on his chest as he holds my body close to his.
Even though tonight started out terribly, it ended perfectly thanks to my amazing boyfriend. I have no idea what I'd do without Will in my life. Soon into the movie he fell asleep making me smirk and close my eyes. I think there will always be days where I'm feeling down and depressed but having Will by my side through it all helps.
"I'm sorry, did I fall asleep on you?" I hear him ask in a groggy voice.
"That's okay, I'm feeling a little sleepy myself." I mumbled. He grinned and kissed the top of my head. This time he waited until I fell asleep before he did as well. Tonight has been a great one.