Camping »» Jay Halstead

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Shivers escaped my lips, goosebumps rose on my skin, and my butt started to hurt from sitting on this uncomfortable log. For the past few weeks, Jay and I have been talking about a trip to do together. He suggested camping. It's not something I'm super comfortable with but wanted to give a try. Now here we are in the middle of the woods, as he searches for some fire wood.

He's been gone for the past ten minutes as the night grows colder. I'm wearing a heavy jacket with a fuzzy grey blanket wrapped around my shoulders. He knows I'm not much of an outdoorsy kind of girl so this is hard for me to get used to. We've already been here two days and have two more to go.

The sound of leaves crunching could be heard, causing me to look in that direction. Relief filled my body seeing Jay had returned with the wood. He set it in the pile of previously burnt wood then started a small fire. He then joins me, wrapping his arms around my body tightly. "I can't b-believe I let y-you talk me into t-this," I get out through my chattering teeth.

"You're the one who said to give it a try after I suggested it." He defended.

"I'm so cold."

He looks over at me and smiles softly while holding onto me tighter. So far we have had a good time other than being here in late October. He reassured me when we got here that there aren't any bears because I'm terrified of them. "Isn't it peaceful to sit under the stars like this and admire nature?" He asks while staring up at the sky.

"It really is beautiful." I reply. That's a perk of being out here. We're surrounded by so much nature and sometimes that can be incredibly beautiful. A soft smile appears on my lips while resting my head on his shoulder. Thoughts of how much I'm grateful for him passed through my brain. He truly is the greatest man in my eyes. "I love you." I let out, through cold lips.

"I love you more." He replies while placing a kiss on my head. It has been so refreshing to be out here with no electronics and no internet. We kept our phones incase of emergencies but other than that it's just the two of us. Some times a break from social media and your phone can be a good thing.

For a while we sit under the stars and enjoy the view. This night is perfect. The darker it got outside, the colder it got. So we decided to head inside the tent for some warmth and sleep. Sleeping on the hard and lumpy ground has been a bit of a challenge. It's definitely not my warm and soft bed. Once under the covers and wrapped tight in the sleeping bag, my eyes got heavy. It's been a bit of a long day.

"Thanks for suggesting this trip. It's been amazing and we needed some time together. We never get to do anything like this between our busy schedules and work." I say. He holds me closer, keeping me warm.

"Of course. I've had an amazing time being here with you. I agree that we really needed this." He replies. We say goodnight to each other before my eyes closed. Falling asleep to the sound of crickets and trees moving in the wind is calming. Not a sound I ever thought would help me sleep but does. Maybe we can do something like this again in the future and in the summer.

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