Accident »» Kelly Severide 🚒

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Word count; 618

Word count; 618

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Today marks one week since the accident. Last week we responded to a house fire and I was upstairs trying to save the little boy. He's okay and so is the family, thankfully. But the stairs had collapsed on me and broke my leg. Now I'm off work and feeling bored and useless. My friends have been so kind with calling and checking in on me. But Kelly has been an incredible boyfriend.

When he isn't working, he's with me trying to make me feel better about being out of work for the next couple of weeks. The doctor said I might not be able to work for another month. It's upsetting although I'm getting through it. Today I'm lounging around the house just watching TV, cleaning up, even though it's difficult. It started to get boring and so I took a nap but now I'm awake.

Kelly should be home any minute and told me that he's bringing dinner from my favorite restaurant. He truly is the greatest gift I've ever received. I let out a sigh and sit on the couch, looking out my living room window. A smile appears on my face seeing Kelly pull into the driveway. He gets out with the food and comes inside. "Honey I'm home!" He calls, teasing me.

"Hi, how was work today?" I ask him. He sits down and gives me the food then proceeded to tell me about a boring day at work. Not really any interesting calls. He did joke about getting those cliche calls of a cat stuck up a tree. It made me laugh while enjoying my food that I was sure to thank him for.

"How about you, anything interesting happen today?" He asks, taking a drink from his water bottle. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"Nothing good. Just bored out of my mind on this couch."

He laughs and tells me he brought home a surprise. I wait and watch him come back to my favorite kind of pie. Dutch Apple. It's the best and he knows. We have some pie and watch a movie, trying to forget the day we had. Kelly has his arm around my shoulders as my head rests on his arm.

During our movie there's a knock at the door so he answers it, to find our friends Stella, Violet, and Sylvie. "Sorry to interrupt but we came to see y/n." Stella says. Kelly leaves us alone and we have some much needed girl time.

"How is your leg treating you?" Sylvie asks. I tell her fine and how it's getting better.

"I know things have been tough on you and Matt's relationship lately. How's that going?"

She sighs and looks out the window for a moment and back at us. "It's weird because one minute we seem to be fine and the next it's like our relationship is falling apart."

"That sucks." Stella gives her a sad look.

"Well have you guys talked about it yet?" Violet asks. She shakes her head no before changing the subject. I'm happy as we spend time together and bond over our boyfriends who are amazing. Once they leave, Kelly and I get ready for bed and turn on another movie.

"Did you guys have a good time?" He asked me while trying to hold me close without hurting my leg.

"Yeah, it felt like we needed that time together. We haven't did something like that in forever." I reply.

"I'm happy. Hopefully you start feeling better soon." He ran his hand through my hair. 

"Yeah. Thanks for being so perfect."

"Thanks for being my girlfriend." He grins and we fall asleep, contently and happily.

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