Enemies to lovers »» Jay Halstead

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My finger taps anxiously against my leg as I sit in the car waiting for Jay to come outside. We're taking a road trip all the way to Florida to help the Miami police department. Chicago and Miami has connecting cases so Voight chose Jay and myself to go and investigate. We're not sure how long we'll be there so this kind of sucks.

He knows how much Jay and I despise each other. Ever since we started working together we just never got along. He gets on my nerves and calls me the annoying one. He's already in a bad mood because we got into a fight this morning so our road trip isn't going to be fun. He opens the car door and gets in before slamming it shut.

It's quiet as he starts up the car and drives off. His facial expression tells me everything I need to know and so I'm staying silent. Why speak and just upset him more? About twenty minutes go by and I notice we're getting low on gas. He's probably still angry but it's worth mentioning.

"We should stop for gas soon." I state.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh my apologies for trying to be nice and let you know just incase you wanted to stop." I glare. He doesn't say anything but does stop at the next gas station. This is going to be the longest ride of my life.

"Can we listen to some music, this silence is boring?" I raise an eyebrow. He turns on the radio but leaves it on a station playing the worst music. I turn it and he looks over at me annoyed.

"My car my rules," he flips the station. "I'll pick the music."

"Jay has anyone told you how annoying you are?"

"Why when I've got you reminding me everyday?" He replies.

"Good then that means I'm doing my job." I smile sarcastically.

We end up having to stop at a hotel when it gets dark and check into two different rooms. His is right down the hall from mine. He walks past me and down the hall and I give him my middle finger before going into my room. Some times he can really make me hate him.

I go into the bathroom and shower then start brushing my teeth. I'm ready for bed after today. I end up waking up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom. It's dark in my room and I can't find my phone anywhere. Carefully, I step out of bed and slowly make my way to the bathroom. My foot ends up hitting the corner of the bed making me groan in pain.

As I'm trying to find the light switch on one foot, I fall and land harshly on my arm. Eventually I find the light and see my arm is starting to bruise like my foot. I'm afraid my arm might be broken, not to mention the pain. I find my phone and call Jay. When he doesn't answer I go to his room and knock on his door.

He soon answers, his eyes looked red and tired. When seeing that it's me, he got annoyed. "Seriously y/n, it's the middle of the night. What do you want?" He asks.

"I know you hate me right now but can you please take me to the hospital?" I ask holding up my arm. He stares down at my bruised arm and his eyes went from annoyance to concern.

"What happened?" He asks while taking my arm gently and examining it. I explain to him how I fell and he agreed to take me to the hospital. It was nice of him to wait by my side the whole time while the doctor did an X-ray and put a cast on after seeing it was in fact broken. Now we're on the way back to the hotel.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice nearly quiet and calm.

"Yea thank you." I give him a small smile.

"Of course," he replied. "I'm just happy it wasn't worse."

It made me smile seeing that he actually cared for once about me. We spent this whole time hating each other that I forgot Jay genuinely is a good person. We get back and he walks me to my room. "You need anything before I head back?" He asks. I turn and face him, seeing the concern in his eyes as he stares into mine. 

"Would you mind staying with me? I just...I don't want to be alone."

He nods and we head into my room. He was making it awkward by saying he would sleep on the couch but I assured him we're two adults that can sleep in the same bed for one night. He lays next to me, crawling under the sheets. "Thanks again for tonight." I say while turning to face him. He turns his head and looks at me.

"Always." He whispers. His eyes looked down to my lips then back at me. In that moment I did want to kiss him but I didn't want to make the first move. For the first time in my life, Jay actually made me nervous.

"Y/n," he says my name so quietly that it was barely audible. Without saying another word he leans in close, closing the space between us in a heated kiss. Happily, I kiss him back. Eventually we pull away and he has a small smile on his face. "We should get some sleep." He says.

"Yea we should." I agree and turn my head to stare at the ceiling. There's a constant smile on my face as I fell asleep thinking about Jay Halstead in a way I never have before.

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