Wait »» Kelly Severide

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There's a physical pain in my chest while having to sit here in this bar, watching the man I'm in love with, kiss some other girl. They've only been together for maybe three months, but he seems to really like her. I've known Kelly for almost a decade and I've been in love with him for the past five years. All he's done is friend zone me without even knowing it.

It's like my heart is waiting for something my brain knows won't happen. I'm emotionally unavailable, all because of my feelings for him. The relationships I've had these past five years never lasted long when they found out I'm in love with my best friend. The pain of watching him fall for other girls has been rough. Now he's serious with this girl and I'm truly happy for them.

She seems really sweet and as much as I wish it was me, I'm not going to ruin their relationship. The more I sit here and get more drinks in me, everything became a blur. Pieces of the night flash through my head until waking up the next morning in my bed with a massive hangover. Gladly I'm off work today so I head to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for some pain killers.

Once taking those I head to the kitchen for some coffee and see a note on my table. Frowning confused I read it. To sum it up, Kelly wrote me a note saying that he noticed how drunk I was and brought me home before I could make any bad decisions. I'm sure to send him a thank you text for last night and begin making my pot of coffee. As it's brewing, there's a knock on my front door.

I sigh and head to answer it. Much to my surprise, there stands Kelly, holding a brown paper bag and two coffee cups. A small smile appears on my face seeing him and invite him inside. He sets everything down on the kitchen table then turns to face me. "You look incredible," he says sarcastically.

"Thanks, it's a new look I'm trying out." I tease back. He grins and starts pulling breakfast out of the large paper bag. "This is very sweet of you, thank you." I say. He nods and hands me the coffee cup from a small cafe down the street from my apartment building.

"You were quite drunk last night," he said while sitting down at the table. I join him. "It surprised me because you don't normally do that."

"I know, it kind of surprised me too."

"You seemed very...upset about something last night. Is everything okay?" He asks me. I watch as he takes a bite out of his bagel and decide whether to tell him the truth or not. Letting out a breath I decide to hide the truth of my feelings for him. Why say anything and ruin our friendship or his new relationship? He deserves to be happy and I actually really like his new girlfriend.

"I don't know, I was just getting too much in my head last night. I thought drinking would take the edge off. But everything is good." I assured him. He nods and gives me a warm smile while saying he's happy I'm okay. We enjoy breakfast together while chatting. I ask about his girlfriend and he says she's great. That put a pained smile on my face.

"Well I should get going, I've got a few errands to run today." He sighs. I walk him to the front door while thanking him again for the breakfast. "Call me if you need anything." He says.

"Of course. I really appreciated this and everything you do for me. You're an amazing friend." I reply. With that being said he leaves and I shut the door behind him. Sucking in a sharp breath, I lean against the door and let my thoughts race. Everything kept going back to him and how much it sucks he doesn't reciprocate my feelings.

At this point all I can do is wait. If we're meant to be together then it will happen and if not then that's okay too. I'm just happy right now being able to call Kelly my best friend.

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