Spontaneous lovers »» Will Halstead 🚑

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Word count; 883

"What are we doing in here?" I ask Will as he drags me into the break room. His hands wrap around my waist, pressing his chest firmly against mine. He leans in close, his lips brushing against mine. It sent shivers through my body.

"This," he whispers before connecting our lips in a passionate kiss. I smiled while melting into the kiss. We have been secretly dating for months. But I've loved him for years only haven't had the courage to say it yet. The only people who know are Maggie because she's my best friend and Jay because he's Will's brother. When we're ready then we'll tell people but for now it's a secret.

He pulled away from the kiss briefly to smile at me. "I'm not one for doing spontaneous things. But we should leave. Get out of town for a few days and spend some time together." He says.

"You mean today like right now?" I asked as my arms wrapped around his neck. He shrugged and nodded his head yes. "Well okay but we should tell Goodwin fi-" I started only for him to grab my hand and cut me off.

"Great let's go." He said as we exited the hospital.

"This really isn't one of those jobs where you can leave without telling anyone..." I started only for him to stop and turn to me. I frowned as he grabbed my hands in his.

"That's why it's called being spontaneous but since your such a stickler for the rules I'll call her." He assured me. I smiled and leaned in, kissing him softly. We got into the car before he started driving.

"Okay where to first?" I ask him.

"We should stop for gas first then I know of a great spot."

"Where?" I ask.

"My parents had this house on a lake and used to take my brother and I there when we were kids. It's beautiful especially at night but Jay has the keys so we have to stop and get them off him first." He says.

"Are we crazy? Does this whole thing seem crazy to you?" I look over at him with a questioning look. He laughs and rested his hand on my thigh.

"That's what makes this so much more fun." He chuckled. I nod as we made our way to the gas station. After that Will got the keys to the house from Jay then we made our way to wherever this house is. Will told me our road trip should be about four hours until we get there.

A smile is etched on my face as I watch the trees pass us by. He took back roads so we didn't get stuck in any traffic. He glanced over at me with a grin as he saw the happy look on my face.

Four hours later and we're pulling into the driveway of the cute little house Will told me about. Didn't mention it before but just to be safe we stopped at home to pack a bag before coming here. We grabbed our stuff then headed to the front door.

I waited as he unlocked the door then entered the house. It's absolutely gorgeous inside and there's pictures all over the walls of Will and Jay when they were kids. "It's perfect." I commented. Will smirks as he wraps his arms around me from behind and holds me close.

"I'm glad you like it." He says while kissing my cheek softly. "I'll take our bags upstairs while you get situated." He said and I nodded. As he went up the stairs I looked around at the pictures on the walls. A light chuckle left my lips seeing a picture of Will with his dad holding a fish he had caught.

As I'm looking I find a picture that makes me bust out laughing. "Will!" I call. He came into the room and looked to see what I wanted. "Is that you?" I ask pointing to the boy in the photo.

"Uh no," he cleared his throat. "That's Jay." He obviously lied. It's a cute picture of him when he was a baby in the bathtub. "I told my mom not to frame that." He sighed and I laughed.

"No you look adorable." I teased.

"Do I," he started tickling me causing me to laugh. "Do I look adorable?" He asks as I break free and run away from him. He finally caught me and threw me onto the couch before continuing to tickle me.

"Okay...okay I surrender." I say between laughs. He smiled and stopped tickling me. There's a genuinely happy smile on his face as he stares into my eyes. I reach up to cup his cheeks in my hands and pull him down in a loving kiss. He happily kissed me back, putting as much love and passion into it as I was.

He pulled away, looking at me with lust in his eyes. "You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about." He said, his voice quiet. I smile and pull him in for another kiss.

"I love you, Will." I say pulling away. He seemed surprised but let a grin spread across his face.

"I love you too, y/n." He replied.

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