Stuck at work »» Jay Halstead 🚓

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Word count; 685

My hands rubbed together in hopes to keep warm

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My hands rubbed together in hopes to keep warm. We had a big blizzard this morning and it trapped everyone at work. I'm a nurse in the ED and ever since the power went out twenty minutes ago, the whole hospital has been cold. We're doing everything we can to keep patients warm as well as ourselves. My jacket just isn't warm enough and I'm still freezing.

"Any news about when they're turning the generators on?" Will asks as he comes up to me. I shake my head no as a shiver leaves my lips. "Here," he takes off his scarf and wraps it around me.

"You don't have to-" I start but he cuts me off.

"It's okay, and plus you look like you need it way more than I do." A laugh escapes me before thanking him for the gesture. The hospital is closed right now but the doors burst open with a worried-looking Jay Halstead. Not to mention he looks like an icicle. I rush over to him and pull him into a warm and tight hug.

"You feel warm," he mumbles into my neck.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I ask him all these questions while pulling away to take a look at my cold boyfriend. He rubs his arms together and tells me that he walked all the way here from the station just to see if I'm okay.

"Our phones still work, babe. You could have called me. But since your here, come with me and I'll try and warm you up." I assure him. We head into the break room where I give him a pair of gloves and a hat. He thanks me before taking a seat. I join him and watch as he tries to warm up. "That was a long walk and I appreciate you coming here."

"It's a slow day anyway with the blizzard plus Voight is dealing with his own issues right now so he didn't mind me coming here," Jay told me.

"I appreciate you so much but while you warm up I need to go check up on some patients," I tell him. He nods for me to go but not without a kiss on the cheek. I smile as I leave to check if my patients need anything like an extra blanket or something.

"Excuse me, ma'am." A woman in a hospital gown says as she approaches me. I smile at her and she continues. "I was supposed to head upstairs for a CT scan but no one has showed up to take me."

"The power unfortunately isn't working right now but I'll send someone your way as soon as the generators kick on," I reassure her. She thanks me before heading back to her room. This is going to be one long day.

By the end of the day Jay had gone back to work and we got the generators working so we could properly treat our patients. Later when getting home it felt so good to turn up the heat and warm myself up. The roads are terrible which sucks because I've got work tomorrow and my car doesn't love driving in snow.

As I'm putting my wet shoes by the front door it opens to reveal Jay. He smiles while walking in and shivering slightly. "Good to see you, how was work?" I ask him while helping him take his coat off.

"Good thanks. How bout you? Did they get the power back on?"

"Yeah, and it warmed up pretty quick in the ED," I said. He nods and pulls me in for a hug. It seemed to warm both our cold bodies up as he had his arms protectively around my waist. "I'm just happy to be home with you." He lets out.

"I feel the exact same way." I grin before leaning in to kiss him sweetly. Today has been stressful but not all that bad plus it felt like a bonus to be able to snuggle up next to Jay while falling asleep beside him.

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