3am Calls »» Conner Rhodes

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This will be in Conner pov

My eyes opened slowly, the sound of my phone ringing loudly in the silence of my bedroom. A frown had appeared on my face when seeing the alarm clock read 3:28am. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I see that it's y/n calling. Wondering what she wants at this hour, I answer her call. There's completely silence for a few seconds after saying hello. All that could be heard is some sniffling on the other end.

"Conner?" Her voice comes out weak. It hurt me to hear her so upset. We've been very close friends for as long as I can remember. She means everything to me and I'd do just about anything for her.

"Yeah, y/n are you okay?" I ask her. Again it's quiet for a few seconds until she speaks.

"Uhm...not really. I-I need you..." a quiet sob leaves her mouth. "I need you to come pick me up."

"Of course. What's going on? Where are you?" I ask while rushing to put some clothes on. She says that she's at some bar downtown and is feeling really unsafe. It's all the information she would give me so I made her stay on the phone with me. It took about fifteen minutes until reaching her and seeing that she's standing outside of some crowded bar.

Once arriving I hurry out of the car and over to her. She's standing there, tear stained cheeks and shaking from the cold temperature outside. I shrug off my jacket and wrap it around her before pulling her into a hug. "What happened y/n?" I ask.

She pulls away and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. She lets out a shaky breath and promised to tell me when we got in the car and leave. We climb into the car and I head to her apartment. "He left me," she lets out. I'm assuming she's talking about her boyfriend and let me just say I've always hated that guy. He was a know it all and always had something negative to say.

"He broke up with me after calling me every horrible name he could think of. Apparently I'm not good enough." She let out, tears rolling down her cheeks. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. My blood is boiling and I want nothing more than to punch him in the face. She deserves way better. Y/n has always been the sweetest person in the world.

"Don't say that and don't believe anything that idiot tells you. Y/n you are far more than enough. He isn't worth your time or tears. You are good enough...always." I glance over and see a small yet sad smile on her lips.

"Thank you for saying that. After tonight, it feels good to hear it. And I'm really sorry for calling you so late like this. Normally I wouldn't but my car is at home." She apologized.

"You're never a bother to me. I don't care what time of night or day it is, you can always call me. I'm here for you no matter what." I reassure her. She smiles softly and rests her head on my shoulder. The rest of the car ride is silent until I pull in front of the building. I walk her to her door and she thanks me for it.

"Are you going to be okay alone tonight?" I ask her as she unlocks her door. Once the door opens she turns and looks at me.

"I'll be okay but thanks again for this. You're such an incredible friend."

"Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow then." I say and she nods. She gives me a hug then heads inside. I smile and start heading down the hallway. On my way down the hallway I hear her call my name. Turning around she makes her way over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek and smiling at me.

"I love you." She says and my heart skipped a beat when she said that. We've always said that to each other but this time feels different.

"I love you too, y/n." I reply.

Am I falling for her?

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