The night shift »» Conner Rhodes 🚑

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Word count; 876

I let a yawn escape from my mouth as my elbows rested on the front desk. Goodwin asked everyone in the ED to work the night shift, promising to make it up to us. She never falters on her promises, which is one of the many reason I agreed to it. Helping people and saving lives runs in my blood.

My father used to be a neurologist and my mom did the same thing as me, trauma surgeon. Yeah there's the many downsides to working here but for the most part it ain't so bad. Maggie noticed my tired state as she sat across from where I stand. She's been working here longer than me and knows everything about this hospital.

"You need coffee." She stated.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask while removing my hands from my face. She gave me a soft smile and nodded her head yes. I sighed before pulling away from the desk. "I'm gonna head to the cafeteria for some caffeine, want anything?" I ask her. She shakes her head no then goes back to working.

I nod and walk over to the elevator before hitting the button. It takes a moment so I close my eyes, just to rest them for a second. Apparently I'm deaf because I didn't hear the doors open until hearing a voice. "Tired?"

Opening my eyes, there stood Conner on the elevator giving me his signature smirk. We have been working together for two years and over that time I've managed to form a crush on the man. He's kind and compassionate, not to mention he isn't bad looking. A smile replaced his smirk when watching me get onto the elevator and click the floor that the cafeteria is located.

"You should nap and let me take care of your shift for the next few hours." He suggested but I shook my head no.

"Thanks for the offer but with the help of my trusty friend caffeine, I'll be fine." I reassured him. He gave me a hesitant look then nodded his head. He followed me towards the cafeteria and I raised an eyebrow at the dark haired man. "Following me?"

"I'm taking a lunch break." He shrugged.

"It's 10:30pm." I chuckle.

"Is there a time limit saying I can't eat after 10pm?" He joked making me playfully slap his arm. He laughed at me as we entered the room. He got a sandwich while I'm just going to settle with things that will keep me awake. Which means no tea or sweets. Can't risk getting a sugar high durning surgery, or a sugar crash.

He sat with me at a two person table as I took a sip from my steaming cup. Hospital food and coffee aren't the greatest but also isn't the worst either. I'm not really sure why people complain about it so much, I guess it just depends on the hospital your in. "Did Mr. Smith pull through?" I ask Conner.

Mr. Smith is a patient he was operating on due to several gun shot wounds. He nodded his head yes. "Thank god too because it hurt to see the upsetting looks on his wife and kids face." He told me. I nodded understandingly.

"What about Mandy? With my understanding, she has CF." He raises an eyebrow at me. Mandy is one of my patients that I've been seeing for almost a year now. She has Cystic Fibrosis and day by day she's only getting worse.

"Sadly today I had to give her the news that her lungs have completely deteriorated. She doesn't have long before...anyway we have her on the transplant list but so far nothing." I sigh. He grabbed my hand gently in his causing me to look up at him and see the soft look in his eyes.

"Your a great doctor y/n. Don't doubt yourself." He reassured me.

I smile. Then I say something that kind of surprised me a bit and seemed to take him off guard. "Why are you so much nicer to me than the other doctors?" He looked confused. "I mean you treat me differently if that makes any sense."

"I know what you mean and to answer that, I'm..." he paused trying to collect the right words. "I'm in love with you."

My heart started beating faster at his answer. "It seems crazy I know but you make me smile even after a bad day. No one has ever made me feel the way you do before." He gave me the warmest smile he could muster up. I returned the warm smile while resting my hand on his. The gesture seemed to relax him.

"I love you too, Conner." I replied. Before I could continue his pager started going off.

"To be continued..." he smirked at me while placing a soft kiss on my cheek then leaving the cafeteria. Maybe working the night shift isn't as bad as I thought it would be. By the end of the shift we were talking and laughing even though we've been up for like ten hours.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he waved while walking to his car.

"Tomorrow." I repeated then got into my car and drove home.

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