The Challenge »» Jay Halstead 🚓

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Word count; 958
So this one is going to be a bit different. I saw a TikTok that I decided to make into an imagine. I hope you like it.

There are going to be two parts to this chapter. One where the TikTok works on Jay and one where it doesn't. Just read and it will all make sense 😂💓

 Just read and it will all make sense 😂💓

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Part one: The one where it works

Boredom overcame me as I lazily lay in bed on my phone. The hospital didn't need me to come in tonight so they asked me to just stay home. I did make sure to tell Maggie to call me if they need me at all. She agreed but nothing yet. Instagram, Facebook, and any other social media app got boring so I clicked off and went to TikTok.

I could spend hours on there and not even realize it. One night I stayed up until 3am watching funny videos when I realized I had work in the morning. Normally around this time I'd be having dinner with Jay but he's working overtime for Voight. He promised me he'd be home in a few hours.

As I'm scrolling through videos I stop on one of some guy explaining a trick or whatever you'd call it on a guy. Could be a boyfriend, husband, or crush. Luckily for me Jay is my boyfriend. But I'd have to wait for him to get home in order to do this. What he said in the video was, walk over to him and stare him in the eyes for three seconds.

Then smirk and ask "am I making you nervous?" And knowing guys they'd act tough and say no. That's when you're going to step closer to him, faces inches apart and rest your hand on his chest. Then say "so does your heart always beat this fast then?"

The guy in the video said it could or couldn't work but give it a try. I'm excited to see how he's going to react. An hour passes when I hear him walk through the door. Feeling anxious I rush to greet him. He saw me coming and smiled. "Hey babe, sorry I'm late." He says.

I walk over to him and stare him in the eyes for three seconds. His eyes dart down to my lips then back into my eyes. "Am I making you nervous?" I ask him, feeling kind of awkward. He frowns and shakes his head. "What? No." He states.

I step closer to him, his face inches from mine and rest my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart beating and it was in-fact racing. Maybe because he doesn't understand what I'm doing. "So does your heart always beat this fast then?" I ask. He starts choking on his words before completely shutting up.

"Screw this." He says and pulls me into a heated kiss. I kiss him back happily before laughter erupted from my lips. He frowned confused while pulling away and looking at me. "Whats so funny?"

"I saw this on a TikTok and tried it on you. It worked." I laugh. He rolls his eyes and runs a hand over his face as if this stressed him out.

"You've got to stop with that app. It's every fucking day." He smiles at me. I apologize and give him a sweet kiss. Jay really is the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world. I love him so much.

Part two: The one where it doesn't work

"Thanks again Dr. Y/l/n." My patient says as I walk out of their hospital room. I smile and walk towards the desk to start putting in their discharge papers. As I'm typing Will comes over and gives me an odd smirk. "What?" I ask him without looking up from the computer screen.

"I was on TikTok earlier and saw-" he started but stopped when he saw my smirk. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing I just never took you as a TikTok kind of guy. But no go on," I tease him. He rolls his eyes and continues to tell me about a video he saw and wants me to try on Jay. It's something where I have to stare at him for three seconds and ask him if I'm making him nervous. Not really sure but sounds harmless so I'll give it a shot.

Later Jay walked into the ED, ready for our lunch date. Will stood off to the side waiting for me to try this on my un-expecting boyfriend. "Hey baby," Jay greets while kissing my cheek. I look him in the eyes for three seconds and watch his face turn into confusion. "Am I making you nervous?" I ask him. He frowns even more confused at me.

"What are you talking about? No I'm not nervous. Why? What did you do?" He raises an eyebrow at me. I step closer to him, his face so close to mine that I could practically feel his breath on my face. My hand rests firmly on his chest but his heartbeat is normal.

"So does your heart always beat this fast then?" I smirk. He frowns down at my hand then back at me. I watch as he slowly removes my hand from his chest and laughs at me.

"You're so weird, what's going on with you?"

"Damn it!" I groan. "Will it didn't work on him." I say. Will laughs as he approaches us and the two of us explain this situation to Jay. He gives Will and I an annoyed look but smiles at us.

"I hate you both." He says and I smile while kissing him.

"You love us." I grin and he obviously agreed.

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