Anxious »» Matt Casey

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Bit of a short chapter 🥺
It deals a bit with anxiety

As soon as we got back to the firehouse, Matt headed for his office. He hasn't spoken a word to anyone since the fire. We got called in to rescue a dad and his toddler son from a burning apartment building. We thankfully got the little boy out safely but the father is in critical condition. We're not sure if he will make it or not. It was Matt who was helping get the man out but the ceiling had caved in on their way out.

We all know he tried hard to get the guy out safely. These things just happen and it's unfortunately apart of the job. He is taking this very hard. The last few calls we've gotten haven't been the safest and I've noticed it's taking a toll on Matt's mental health. His anxiety has gotten way worse in the last week. As his girlfriend I feel like it's my job to do everything to help him but he won't let me.

He says that he's fine and it makes me feel so useless. Some times he wakes up from nightmares and has panic attacks throughout the night. I'm really starting to worry about him. It's sadly starting to affect him at work too. I think he should see a doctor or some type of professional but it didn't feel like my place to tell him that.

Feeling worried, I head to his office where he closed all the blinds so no one could see in. I knock softly on the door, receiving no answer. I decide to knock one more time just to see if he answers and if not I'll leave him alone. "I'm fine." He mumbles from the other side.

"Is it okay if I come in?" I ask. It's silent for a few seconds then the door opens. He stands there looking at me, his eyes are red. He certainly doesn't look fine.

"I...I think it's happening again." He breathes. Concern fills my eyes seeing him struggling to breathe.

"It's going to be okay," I try reassuring him. "Just take deep breaths."

He listens to my words as I talk him through his panic attack. His breathing had gone back to normal and he took a few moments to relax. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. I pull him into a tight hug and he instantly returned it. It seemed to help calm him, being in my arms.

"Don't ever be sorry for how you feel. It's okay to be anxious some times. I just need you to know I'm here. You can always come to me for anything." I reassured him. He holds me even closer, resting his head on mine.

"I think I need to see someone. I'm just scared," he admits before pulling away. "I don't want to seem weak."

"Matt you aren't weak for wanting to seek help for your mental health. It's perfectly normal and I'm proud of you. You're the strongest person I know."

My words seemed to put a smile on his face and this was a genuine smile. One that I've missed seeing for a long time. He kisses my forehead and thanks me for being the sweetest girlfriend in the world. The rest of our shift went smoothly and he seemed a lot better after our talk. I'm so happy he's decided to talk with someone because all I want is for him to be happy.

On our way home we got a call, only to find out the father is doing great and is able to see his son really soon. I'm so happy that everything worked out. It made Matt feel better knowing the man was going to make it. Overall things are looking better. I'm very blessed to have Matt in my life.

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