Disagreement »» Conner Rhodes 🚑

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Word count; 970

The hospital has been slow today so I'm just looking through some paper work from a previous patient

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The hospital has been slow today so I'm just looking through some paper work from a previous patient. My pager suddenly started going off and I rushed to the ED where it says Maggie needs me. After getting down there my eyes widened in shock seeing a woman being wheeled in on a gurney, gunshot wounds covering her abdomen.

"Who is this woman and what happened to her?" I asked while rushing to her side. My fingers pressed firmly to her neck and there's a pulse but really low. "Her ID says she's Gabby Smith. But all we know is she's got eight gunshot wounds to the abdomen and bleeding out fast!" Maggie told me.

"We need to get her up to the OR now." I demanded. That's when Dr. Rhodes came rushing over and stared horrifically at the girl. "She's gonna need a blood transfusion," he told me and I nodded. We got her up to the operating room before prepping for surgery.

"You need to let me take the lead on this. I've been doing it longer and she is barely alive in there." Conner told me as he washed his hands.

"Thanks for that but I've got this. She's going to be fine."

He glared at me and I glared right back. He's really starting to piss me off. "Listen Dr. Rhodes right now is not the time for this. That girl is dying and if we can't work together on this then she will die." And with that I left to head in for surgery. The first twenty minutes we seemed to get along until her heart rate dropped rapidly.

"She's bleeding out too much," I stated.

"Guys heart rate is down to 87."

There is no way in hell I'm letting this woman die. "I thought that putting her on bypass would work and it's only making things worse." Conner said. "Take her off."

"What? No! She'll definitely die if we do! She's my patient Dr. Rhodes and I'd appreciate if you'd let me do my job."

He completely ignored me and demanded she be taken off. I watched as they took her off and her heart rate started decreasing even lower. "There's a hole right there, do you see it? Near her lung. If we don't stitch that up she's going to die." He told me. I tried even though she's dying because of him. All of a sudden she flatlined and her heart stopped beating.

"We need to do a cardioversion!" Conner yelled as he tried shocking her heart back into its normal rhythm. We tried for a solid three minutes and nothing. That's when we knew it's time to call it.

"Time of death," I looked at the clock on the wall. "17:30." And with that I left the room. I stood in the hallway feeling a mixture of anger and sadness. I'm pissed off that he did that and sad that I couldn't do anything to save her life. She didn't deserve to die and I don't care if I didn't know her. Every life matters in my opinion.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Conner came out angrily shouting at me. I turned to him with an ice cold glare on my face. If looks could kill then he'd be on the floor dead right now.

"Me! Your the one who took her off bypass then tried to stitch up her lungs knowing she wasn't gonna make it! Don't come at me with the mistakes you made." Anger filled my body causing my blood to boil.

"Oh please, your the one who-" he started but got cut short.

"Enough! Both of you!" Dr. Latham broke up the fight. "I want to see both of you in my office now!" He yelled then walked off. After getting in trouble with him I left and went to get ready to head home. As I'm slinging my purse over my shoulder, Conner walks in. I rolled my eyes and started making my way out.

He grabbed my arm, stopping me from making it to the door. I turned and faced him confused. He looked down at the floor, it almost looks like he's ashamed. "I'm sorry about earlier and everything I said. You were right about the surgery and we should have done it your way." He apologized.

"Thanks and I'm sorry too for what I said. It wasn't cool and I know you were trying to help her as much as I was."

He finally looked me in the eyes and gave me a soft smile. I've never taken the time to notice before but his eyes are so bright and blue. They put me in a trance that I don't want to get out of. It made me return the soft smile as we stared into each other's eyes. He started slowly leaning in closer. His hand rested on my cheek and our faces were inches apart.

His lips brushed against mine and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Conner I-" my sentence stopped when I suddenly lost my breath. He took that as his chance and closed the space between us. The kiss started off rough and greedy but soon became passionate and needy. My purse fell to the floor as my arms wrapped around his neck.

I tried deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close into his chest. We soon pulled away for air and he rested his forehead on mine. "You're so beautiful," he complimented breathlessly.

"Thank you. Your not so bad yourself, Mr. Rhodes." I grinned and he smirked. Maybe this whole disagreement was just the start to something new between us. Who knows? I guess time will just have to tell.

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