High school sweethearts »» Ethan Choi

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I've never done one like this before. This takes place when you're in high school. Hopefully this isn't terrible lol

The bell rings as more students pile into the room. The teacher stares everyone down, waiting for them to take their seats so we can get started. Even though I should be paying attention to the lesson, it's hard to when Ethan is sitting right across from me. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He is incredibly kind, compassionate, and funny. We're friendly but not friends.

The two of us hang out with two completely different crowds. We just don't seem like we'd work together because of how different we are. My friends are supportive though and always forcing me to ask him out. They understand how shy I can be around guys so they try not to pressure me too much. Every so often I'd glance at him but he'd be staring at the white board. A quiet sigh leaves my mouth but apparently it wasn't as quiet as I thought.

"You okay?" I hear and look over to see Ethan staring at me. He has a slight frown on his face.

"Uhm yea, I'm good." I lie and turn my head. That was completely obvious. Lunch time comes around and I sit at my usual table with my friends. They have smiles on their faces when I sit down. "What?" My eyebrow raises as I open my water.

"Are you going to ask him out yet? Because I saw you guys talking earlier in Math." My friend asks. I roll my eyes playfully and explain that it was nothing. They don't understand how hard it is for me. High school is cruel and rejection is a feeling I'm all too familiar with. It scares me that if I say something and he says no then it'll ruin everything. 

On the way back to my locker I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Ethan standing there giving me a small smile. He looks sort of anxious about something. He's fidgeting with the piece of paper hanging from his notebook.

"Hey y/n, I've been meaning to ask you if you'd uh...if you wanted to go out some time?" He asks, making my heart beat quicker. This doesn't feel real at all and more like a dream. Excitement and anxiety settle into my stomach.

"Yes, I'd love to." I reply with a grin. He nods and tells me that he'll set something up. That put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. When I told my friends they were so happy and offered to help me find something to wear. Hopefully this can be the start of something good.

*time skip to the present*

The front door closing could be heard from the other room and I head that way. A smile on my face seeing it's my husband, Ethan. He just got home from his long shift at the hospital. I can see it on his face just how tired he is. But that all is replaced with a smile when he sees me.

"I'm so happy to see you," he gives me a warm hug, leaving a kiss on my head. "How are my girls?" He asks, placing a hand on my pregnant belly.

"Good but how was work? Hopefully you had a good day." I ask him. He told me it was the same as usual except there were some rude patients. "Well I put (your son's name) y/s/n to bed and I have dinner ready for you." I assure him. He thanks me and leaves me with a kiss on my lips. I'm so happy to be able to spend my life with him.

He is the greatest man in the world. We have been together since high school and I wouldn't change a single thing. Every moment spent with him has been perfect.

Thank you for choosing me, Ethan.

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