Chapter 1

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It's time for our journey to the Alola Region. Upon our arrival, we settled into Lillie's house, boasting a delightful view of the ocean. Initially, we were apprehensive about Lusamine's return, but Hobbes, the butler, reassured us. He informed us that Ms. Lusamine had been residing at the Aether Foundation for several months and hadn't been home.

Trenor has joined our travel party as the sole family member who hasn't journeyed with me yet, and he's eager to explore. He's also enrolled in the Alola Pokemon Trainer's School, which doesn't commence for another week. However, we learn from him that Professor Oak's cousin, Samson Oak, is the principal of the school.

"Ash, do you remember? In some dimensions, we attended the Alola Pokemon Trainer's School," Lillie asks, seeking confirmation from me.

"Yeah, perhaps we should consider enrolling there again," I suggest.

Trenor chimes in, "That sounds exciting! You both would enjoy it. I recall Nate and Rosa mentioning they're also heading to the school."

"Nate and Rosa... it's been quite some time since the Unova League," I remark, a smile forming on my face as memories resurface.

As we step into the Principal's office, he greets us, "Alola, you must be Ash and Lillie! Welcome to the Pokemon School, where we have a whole lot of Solrock and roll!"

"Wow... you really do resemble Professor Oak," Lillie remarks.

"I get that a lot. I suppose that's why you recognized me. I'm Samson Oak. A pleasure to meet you both!" he exclaims, striking a pose resembling a Crawdaunt, which leaves us slightly bewildered and sweating.

"Don't worry, brother. He enjoys cracking jokes that involve Pokemon names," Trenor reassures us.

"We could all use some fun. A bit of levity and laughter is like a Tyranitar!" Samson Oak comments enthusiastically, receiving weird looks from all of us before he heads into the office.

As we take our seats, Samson Oak contacts Professor Oak. "Hey, Samuel! It's me. I've got your egg safe and sound!"

"Excellent, Samson. That's great news! Thank you, and also thanks to Ash, Lillie, and Trenor."

"It's been our pleasure," I respond with a smile.

Trenor asks, "Principal Oak, since Ash is my brother, would it be possible for me to give both him and Lillie a tour of the campus?" Trenor inquires.

"Of course, Porygon away!" Principal Oak responds with another playful joke before Trenor takes the initiative to show us around the campus.

As we step into the empty classroom, we're captivated by the court's sight when a voice greets us, "Hi, a big Alola to you all!"

"Professor Kukui!" We exclaim in surprise at seeing him in the school. "Long time no see!"

"Principal Oak briefed me. Welcome back to the Alola Region, Ash, Lillie," Professor Kukui greets us warmly. "This Pokemon School is a fantastic place; I hope you enjoy your time here."

Curious about Professor Burnet, Lillie asks, "How is Professor Burnet? Is she doing well?"

"She's doing fine, just a bit occupied at the Dimension Lab in the Akala Region," Professor Kukui replies. "So, what are your plans here in Alola?"

"We're planning to enroll in the school for a year as students," Lillie announces.

"That's great news," Professor Kukui responds with a smile. "But since school won't begin until next week, how about joining me for a while? We've got some new trainers eager to choose their starter Pokémon."

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