Chapter 52

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As we invite Professor Kukui and our classmates to the Ice Manor located on Mt. Lanakila, everyone is excited to see a variety of Ice Pokémon alongside us.

While we traverse the area, our attention is drawn to a colossal crater ahead of us. "Is that a giant crater?" Lillie asks, her voice tinged with confusion, echoing the surprise shared among us at the unexpected sight.

As we descend into the crater, a startling sight greets us: Necrozma, once formidable and powerful, now lies battered and broken, drained of its usual strength. I can't help but gasp, "It's Necrozma..."

Rosa voices the shared astonishment, "You mean the one you fought back in the Ultra Metropolis? What is it doing here?"

Recalling Dulse and Captain Phyco's earlier words about the Z Rings sharing a similar light to Necrozma's, Lillie and I exchange a knowing glance, understanding dawning between us. Without hesitation, we nod at each other, both of us activating our Z Rings in unison, channeling their healing energy toward the weakened Necrozma.

As Necrozma stirs and slowly opens its eyes, a faint whisper emanates from the legendary Pokémon, "Why... why did you help me?"

Understanding the gravity of the situation and moved by the Pokémon's vulnerability, I step forward, expressing our rationale, "We couldn't just leave you in this state. We wanted to help."

Lillie adds, "You're part of Alola too. We couldn't ignore your suffering."

With a steady gaze fixed upon us, Necrozma acknowledges our efforts before gathering its energy once more. In a resolute tone, the legendary Pokémon addresses us, "You were the ones who restored my health back to normal. With that, I thank you."

Grateful for our assistance in revitalizing its strength, Necrozma expresses its gratitude, a moment that underscores the significance of our actions in aiding the legendary Pokémon. The heartfelt thanks from such a powerful entity resonate deeply with us, reaffirming the importance of compassion and assistance, regardless of the recipient's stature or identity.

In a moment of unity and support, both Lunala and Nebby emerge from their Poké Balls, offering their own energy to aid Necrozma. With a shared purpose, they channel their power, lending their support to the weakened legendary Pokémon, allowing it to regain its strength and lift itself into the air slowly.

With a heartfelt sense of gratitude for the assistance provided by everyone present, Necrozma expresses its desire to join our team. Understanding the significance of the bond formed through this shared experience and the mutual aid exchanged, the legendary Pokémon reveals its wish to become a part of our team, seeking to embark on a new journey alongside us.

Using a Master Ball, an incredibly rare and immensely powerful Poké Ball, we make the decision to capture Necrozma without any resistance. The Master Ball's unmatched capability ensures the legendary Pokémon's capture without a struggle, sealing the partnership between Necrozma and our team in an instant.

Necrozma: The Prism Pokemon: Psychic Type. Reminiscent of the Ultra Beasts, this life-form, apparently asleep underground, is thought to have come from another world in ancient times.

"Capturing Necrozma, that's amazing," Mallow remarks, impressed by the swift success.

"Yeah..." I respond, my attention drawn to an object on the ground. "That's... Ultranecrozium Z..."

As we retrieve the Ultranecrozium Z Crystal and secure it in my pocket, a voice suddenly resonates through the air. "Splendid!" echoes Dr. Colress' distinctive voice, catching us by surprise.

"Uncle Colress?" Lillie gasps in surprise, recognizing the familiar voice.

"It's been a while. You must be formidable Trainers indeed if you are able to get Necrozma as one of your allies," Colress acknowledges, commending our achievement. "Good! And this is from me!" he continues, unveiling a device in his possession. "The Ultra Recon Squad asked me to develop a device that would be able to control Necrozma. But I improved it to my own liking! And now it is a device that makes it possible to draw out even more power from Necrozma! Yes, in short, it makes it possible for Necrozma to fuse with the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo! This is the Colress Machine No. 1198, officially dubbed the N-Solarizer!"

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