Chapter 13

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At Kala'e Bay, our friends and I are relaxing at the beach with our swimsuits as we play in the water. While having a water fight, we notice a school of Wishiwashi shimmering in the water.

"Those are Wishiwashis..." Selene says.

"Judging by the looks of them, they seem to be less than Level 20." I say, knowing that once it gets to Level 20, its ability Schooling will cause it to become a giant behemoth, Palmer uses one before.

Determined to catch one, I wade in and offer Berries. "Hey, I'm Ash. Want to join my team?"

Carefully, I toss some Berries into the water as a gesture of goodwill. The Wishiwashi cautiously nibble at the treats, gradually growing more relaxed in my presence.

With a patient and gentle approach, I extend my hand, hoping to connect with one of the Wishiwashi. Surprisingly, one of the smaller ones swims closer, looking at me with curious eyes. With a swift throw, my Poké Ball captures it. "Yes! Welcome, Wishiwashi!" Cheers erupt from Pikachu and my friends, thrilled about the new addition to our team.

Wishiwashi (Solo Form): The Small Fry Pokemon: Water Type. When it's in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades, and they stand together against their enemies.

As we decide to race towards the rocks, our attention is drawn to the presence of Corsola in the vicinity. However, they swiftly vacate the area as a group of Mareanie emerges. "Mareanie!"

"No way! Mareanies! I've got to catch one!" Selene's love for Poison Types is evident, and she immediately rushes after the Mareanie. We have to quickly intervene and pull her back before things escalate, but she still manages to capture one.

"That was a close call. When you see Mareanie traveling in groups, they can be pretty dangerous," cautions Professor Kukui.

"Got one, at least," Selene remarks with a hint of triumph in her voice.

"Yeah..." I respond, heading towards the beachside. There, I encounter a lone Mareanie that suddenly attaches itself to my head. "Ash!" Lillie yells in shock.

"Don't worry..." I reassure them, gently placing the Mareanie down. "See, nothing's wrong."

"Just because you're an Arceus and you have the Iron Plate..." Nate mutters. It's common knowledge among our classmates that I'm an Arceus, thanks to Trenor, who arrived a year before me and probably spilled the secret back then.

"But your face looks a little purple..." Selene observes, noticing the poison acid on my face. Surprisingly, the Mareanie seems unusually drawn to me. Quickly, I shake off the poison acid from my face and cautiously ask, "Do you want to stay with us?"

To our astonishment, Mareanie appears genuinely delighted at the invitation to join us. It seems content with the idea of staying together. So, without hesitation, we decide to capture it as well.

Mareanie: The Brutal Star Pokemon: Poison and Water Type. It plunges the poison spike on its head into its prey. When the prey has weakened, Mareanie deals the finishing blow with its 10 tentacles.

We make our way to the Alola Photo Club, eager to capture some memorable moments. After a fun photo session, we exit the club, only to be greeted by Hau.

"Hey, there you are, guys!" Hau exclaims cheerfully as he spots us, a wide grin on his face.

"Hau... and your Rowlet evolved!" I gasp in amazement at the sight of his newly evolved Dartrix.

"I bet you and your Pokemon got a great shot together at the photo club, right? Now it's time for our next stop! Akala Island, here we come!" Hau expresses his excitement.

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