Chapter 41

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Upon returning to the Aether House, our group is shocked to find Hau lying on the floor, defeated. Rushing to his side, I inquire, "Hau, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Back so soon, hmm? I wasn't expecting you just yet," a voice interrupts, drawing our attention to Plumeria's unexpected presence. Nate confronts her, demanding, "Did you do this to him?" with suspicion evident in his tone.

"So what if I did? It takes these dumb Grunts way too long to deal with you kids..." Plumeria retorts with a dismissive tone. "So I guess it's my turn now!"

Raising an eyebrow, I inquire further, "Your turn?"

"What? I've told you before. Next time you get in our way, I'm not holding anything back!" she asserts with a determined demeanor, making her intentions clear to engage in a battle without restraint.

In the heated battle against Plumeria, her Pokémon—Golbat and Salazzle—confront ours, Fomantis and Snowy. Midway through the intense battle, Fomantis undergoes a transformation, evolving into Lurantis. Despite the fierce opposition, our team manages to secure victory, utilizing Solar Blade to overpower Plumeria's Pokémon and emerge triumphant from the challenging showdown.

Lurantis: The Bloom Sickle Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Fomantis at LV:34. As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it's dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon.

"Hmmph! I can't even stand myself right now," Plumeria grumbles before swiftly recalling her Pokémon. "Hmmph. Guess you're pretty tough. I get it now, why my Grunts waste so much time battling kids. But if you want us to return the Pokémon, then you'll have to come to us. Alone. The boss is eager to meet you, hmmph! See you at our base in Po Town!" she challenges with a determined tone before making her exit.

"What do they mean by stolen Pokémon?" Curious and concerned about the situation, we enter the house only to discover the little girl in tears, lamenting, "M-my Yungoos..."

"We can't forgive this! Darn it, those numskulls actually did something pretty clever for once!" Acerola exclaims in frustration, deeply troubled by the distressing incident involving the stolen Yungoos.

"If we want to retrieve the Pokémon... we'll have to go to Po Town... Alone? No backup?" Selene questions with concern. "That's what they're demanding, but... it's not fair!"

"Team Skull has taken over Po Town... It's basically their private playground now. If you're gonna go, though, try to find this guy on Route 15 who's wearing a kimono... He might be able to help you get to Po Town." Acerola advises, providing a potential source of aid for the challenging journey ahead.

The distressed girl offers us a Rare Candy, pleading, "H-here. Take this... Just... just get my Yungoos back for me!"

Reassuringly, I respond, "We'll retrieve your Pokémon, no doubt about it. However, one thing is certain: regardless of the situation, we won't leave Lillie behind here."

As we stroll along the beach, the six of us in solemn conversation, Rosa inquires, "What did you mean by not leaving Lillie behind there?"

Reflecting on the past events, I explain, "In another dimension, a similar situation occurred. However, the difference was that I went alone, and Lillie stayed back at the Aether House. When I returned, Lillie had already been kidnapped."

Before anyone can delve deeper into the conversation, a familiar figure appears before us, prompting Nate to exclaim, "Hey, isn't that..."

"It's Grimsley from the Unova Elite Four," Lillie gasps, recognizing the unexpected visitor.

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