Chapter 20

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As I stand before the Sudowoodo wall at Paniola Ranch, Milotic by my side, I draw in a deep breath, readying myself. "Milotic, let's do this!"

With a swift activation of the Z-Power Ring, I begin the intricate Water Type Dance, feeling the energy surge within. With a resounding shout, I proclaim, "Witness my true power! Hydro Vortex!"

Milotic summons a massive wave behind it, flooding the vicinity with a surge of water. With fluidity and precision, it begins to move in a circular motion, conjuring a powerful vortex of water. This swirling mass gains momentum, ready to unleash its force upon the Sudowoodo wall, causing them to be sent flying or run away.

"Wow... so that's the Water-type Z Move..." Nate gasps in amazement.

Suddenly, our attention is drawn to the unexpected arrival of Dulse and Soliera. "Wait, those were Pokémon?! I totally thought they were just plants!" Zossie exclaims.

"Dulse and Zossie?" I exclaim, recognizing the two figures as they draw nearer.

"Calm yourself, Zossie," Dulse begins in his composed manner. "Those must have been the Pokémon known as Sudowoodo. A most interesting Pokémon. I wish I could research them further. They must be mimicking plant life in an attempt to avoid their weakness—water."

With a polite Alolan greeting, Dulse and Zossie acknowledge our presence before Dulse continues, expressing his admiration for Alolan Pokémon. "These Alolan Pokémon... They're all so unique."

He then shifts the conversation toward the challenge of battling these distinct creatures. "It's truly fascinating... But battling them is not easy. So I challenge you with one we are accustomed to...Poipole!"

"Poipole?" We exchange confused glances, unsure of the situation. Zossie, however, reacts with a hint of frustration, exclaiming, "I knew it! You can't just challenge people like that! Sorry, Mister Trainer. But do you think a battle would be OK?"

"Sure, I guess," I respond, agreeing to the battle proposal.

"I will warn you now. Poipole cannot be found anywhere in Alola," Dulse explains as he sends out the enigmatic Pokémon, Poipole, onto the battlefield.

Sophocles inquires, "Is that a Pokémon? Poipole, it calls?"

"It is an Ultra Beast, a Pokémon that resides in the ultra dimensions. Poipole is a Poison-type Pokémon," I explain, as we observe Selene's growing interest in the creature.

"A Poison-type Pokémon? It's so cute!" Selene exclaims, confirming our expectations. Considering the type advantage, I decide to proceed with Mudbray for the battle.

"Poipole, use Sludge Bomb!" Dulse commands, as the small Ultra Beast launches a burst of toxic sludge towards Mudbray.

"Mudbray, dodge and counter with Bulldoze!" I instruct, aiming to utilize Mudbray's ground-type move to gain an advantage.

The battle intensifies with each exchange of moves, Dulse strategizing Poipole's attacks while I plan Mudbray's responses. Dulse interjects with guidance, "Poipole, try using Venoshock to exploit its poison strength!"

"Counter with Double Kick, Mudbray!" I counter, hoping to weaken Poipole's offensive momentum.

The clash between the Poison-type Poipole and the Ground-type Mudbray continues, each Pokémon showcasing resilience and determination. The battlefield is alive with energy as we navigate through the intense battle, strategizing our moves with precision and anticipation.

Finally, after a series of well-thought-out tactics, Mudbray manages to overpower Poipole with me using the Z-Move Breakneck Blitz. The Ultra Beast falters and faints, signaling the end of the captivating battle.

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