Chapter 42

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As we press forward, confronting Team Skull Grunts along our path, we eventually arrive at the formidable gate that signals the entrance to Po Town.

Two Team Skull grunts stand guard at the entrance to Po Town. One of them remarks, "Yo, what's up? You wanna join Team Skull?"

"Absolutely not," I retort, and they catch sight of our Z Rings. "Hold up... Are those Z Rings?" the second grunt inquires.

"For real?! You're actually on the island challenge?" gasps the first grunt.

"Came to laugh at us losers who gave up on the island challenge, huh?" questions the second grunt.

"Wait, we never—" Trenor begins to protest, but the first grunt interrupts, "You showed up so suddenly and got the nerve to laugh at me?!"

Once again, they attempt to attack us with their Pokémon, this time unleashing a Scraggy and a Pawniard. However, we overcome their challenge using Mimikyu and Passimian, emerging victorious in the battle.

"You're on a whole other level than me. I've just got to laugh at myself..." the first grunt mutters in defeat. "Ack! The island challenge has made you way too strong!"

As they recall their Pokémon, the second grunt exclaims, "No fair! I hate strong kids like you! I'm not letting you in!" They proceed to lock us out of the town. Lillie turns to us, asking, "Now what should we do?"

"You there," a voice interrupts, and we turn around in disbelief to see Nanu, the former International Police member, standing before us.

"Officer Nanu?" I express surprise. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Ah, Aurora's son," Nanu acknowledges. "Seems to me you're trying to get into Po Town. You sure you've thought this through? You'd better be ready if you're thinking of coming in here. Ready to live as Team Skull. Or ready to take on Team Skull. You really think you're ready for that?"

"Look, you may have retired from the International Police, but we have our reasons for being here," I assert. "We need to enter Po Town."

"I guess everyone has their own reasons. I've got my reasons, too, for doing what I do. I'll have them let you in," Nanu sighs. "If you don't make it, I'll be sure your remains at least get back home."

After Nanu helps us open the door, he departs without much ado. Selene looks puzzled and asks, "So, he's a former International Police member?"

"Yeah, he retired quite a while back. He was even on par with Looker at one point," I explain as we step into Po Town.

There, we witness the somber atmosphere of the town, evident in its desolation, and numerous barricades obstruct our path. A Team Skull grunt spots us and remarks, "Huh? What are these numskulls doing here? What, oh what, should we do?"

"Forget about it! We've got this Barbaracle... I mean, we've got this barricade!" the second grunt chimes in. "Do you really wanna bother moving it out of the way just to take these kids on?"

"True, true." agrees another. "Go home! Go! You're not coming in here, got it? Not unless you find some path through here..."

Seems like a challenge indeed! We stumble upon a secret hole hidden in the bushes, allowing us to bypass the first barricade. The grunts are taken aback as the first one exclaims, "Dude, are you hardheaded? Your skull must be rock! You shouldn't have come in here, yo. Now I'm gonna make you regret it!" The second grunt adds, "Hey, yo, barricade or no, we ain't lettin' you go!"

As they engage us in battle using Spinaraks and Trubbishes, our Pokémon confront theirs. In the midst of the battle, our Dartrix finally evolves into Decidueye, utilizing its newly learned move, Spirit Shackle, to prevent the opposing Pokémon from escaping.

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