Chapter 25

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During the nighttime, we decided to engage in some training sessions, and it was during one of these sessions that our Alolan Rattata evolved into Raticate.

Raticate (Alolan Form): The Mouse Pokemon: Dark and Normal Type. Evolve from Alolan Rattata LV:20 during nighttime. This gourmet Pokémon is particular about the taste and freshness of its food. Restaurants where Raticate live have a good reputation.

The following morning, we arrive at Diglett's Tunnel to find Olivia engaged in conversation with two Aether Foundation workers. As they depart, Olivia remarks, "This cave really is something, y'know? It's overflowing with these Pokémon called Diglett, and they are getting really out of hand. Mediocre Trainers can't even get through! But if you are as strong as you appear, you should be able to make it through this cave."

"That's no problem for us," Lillie says confidently.

"At the opposite end lies Konikoni City, where my shop is located. I'll meet you there!" With a cheerful farewell, she strides ahead, prompting us to quickly follow in pursuit. On our way, we encounter the previous Aether Foundation workers.

"Phew... With Olivia taking charge, we've finally made progress against those Diglett," one of them exclaims.

Spotting us, they extend greetings. "Alola! We're members of the Aether Foundation, dedicated to supporting Pokémon conservation," one of the workers explains.

"It turns out that Team Skull was responsible for stirring up the Diglett in this cave, bringing them all to the surface," another worker adds.

"Ah, Team Skull—they're a group of troublemakers who seem to take pleasure in disrupting Trainers and their Pokémon."

"Diglett typically reside in complex underground tunnel systems they've spent years digging. Our goal is to ensure they return to these tunnels, allowing people to pass through without encountering so many Pokémon."

"However, some Diglett remain on or near the surface, so please be cautious!" warns the worker.

"We will," we assure them as they bid farewell and depart. At the exit, we encounter some Team Skull grunts attempting to obstruct our path.

"Ahh, no way...just when things were startin' to heat up, yo, I got surrounded by Diglett and beat up, yo!" complains the male grunt.

"Yo, since when can Diglett use Beat up?!" the female grunt questions. "I am so mad that now I want to beat up on some fools!"

"Don't be mad 'cause you were the fools who were dumb enough to be here right now," the male grunt chimes in.

"Hey, guys!" Hau arrives and exclaims, "Aue! I was wondering who you were playing around with without me, and it's Team Skull!"

The male grunt retorts, "You want some? That's how we say hello! Nice knowing you, punks!"

Subsequently, they engage us in battle, and their Ekans and Salandit are swiftly defeated by our team.

After their defeat, the female grunt muses, "Are we headed to the grave, yo? Will our bones be laid bare, yo?" Her companion adds, "The gloom that enfolds us like fog...we can't seem to shake it off."

Recalling their Pokémon, the female grunt snaps, "Yo, step off! Enough with the beating up, yo!"

"We may not be trying to take over the world or nothing, but we're still hard as a bone out here!" asserts the male grunt before they depart. Hau waves cheerfully at them and says, "See you on the flip side!"

Turning back to us, Hau remarks, "Man, Ash, when I fight with you... It's like even my Pokémon feel more at ease! You really are some kind of Trainer. That's it! I've just gotta give you something!" He hands over some Max Ethers. "Max Ethers will restore all the PP to one of your moves, you know? Pretty great, right? It's pretty much like those Roto PP Restores you can get from the Roto Loto, yeah!"

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