Chapter 70

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Professor Kukui and I stand poised on the Stadium battlefield, the anticipation palpable. Hala, serving as our referee, presides over the match. It's a full six-on-six battle with substitutions permitted, promising an intense showdown between us. Before commencing the battle, we share a handshake, a gesture signifying our mutual respect and readiness for the challenge ahead.

As the battle unfolds, I opt not to start with Pikachu, much to its initial disappointment. Instead, I send out Incineroar to take the lead.

"I had a feeling you'd do that. So, come on out," Professor Kukui responds, mirroring my choice by also sending out his Incineroar.

My Incineroar charges forward with a powerful Flare Blitz, but Kukui's Incineroar toughens up with Bulk Up, absorbing the blow and retaliating, sending my Incineroar staggering backward. Capitalizing on its increased speed, my Incineroar darts in with Flame Charge, evading a counterstrike from Kukui's Incineroar's Darkest Lariat. Seizing an opportunity as Kukui's Incineroar momentarily exposes its back, mine strikes with Darkest Lariat, only to be repelled by Kukui's Incineroar's own powerful move.

Undeterred, my Incineroar swiftly circles Kukui's Incineroar, the flames burning brighter with each rotation. However, Kukui's Incineroar breaks through the fiery ring with a Throat Chop, sending mine reeling. As Kukui's Incineroar moves in for another attack, mine counters with a Cross Chop, aiming to turn the tide of the battle.

Professor Kukui astutely remarks, "I see what you're trying to do—hoping to exploit the boosted speed to confuse my Incineroar. But Incineroars have experience in battling multiple opponents. There are no blind spots!"

He commands his Incineroar to execute Blast Burn. As the intense fireball hurtles forward, my Incineroar charges head-on into the attack. I realize its intent—to absorb the power of the Blast Burn. Trusting in Incineroar's plan, I allow it to absorb the attack's energy, surprising everyone with its resilience.

My Incineroar harnesses the gathered flame energy, preparing to unleash a custom move dubbed 'Blast Incineroar'. However, the strategy takes an unexpected turn as smoke begins billowing from Incineroar's belt. It becomes evident that the move is causing immense strain and exhaustion to my Pokémon. Concerned for its well-being, I decide to recall Incineroar to provide it with a chance to recuperate from the intense pain and fatigue.

As Kukui decides to keep his Incineroar in play, I opt to send out my Lycanroc. With Incineroar still recuperating from using Blast Burn, Lycanroc seizes the opportunity, landing a direct hit with Accelerock. Without hesitation, Lycanroc follows up with Stone Edge, aiming to capitalize on the advantage. However, just as Lycanroc's attack is about to connect, Incineroar finishes recharging and swiftly retaliates with Darkest Lariat, shattering the incoming stones. The sudden counter catches Kukui off guard. Acting on my command, Lycanroc deftly grabs one of the Stone Edge shards with its jaws, stunning Kukui.

Incineroar counters with a Throat Chop, but Lycanroc manages to evade most of the attack, though not unscathed, as the pointed stone in its jaws injures Incineroar's arm. Sensing the injury, Kukui makes a tactical switch, swapping Incineroar for his Braviary.

Feeling confident in Lycanroc's resilience and strength, I make the decision to keep it on the battlefield despite Braviary's entrance. As Braviary unleashes a powerful Rock Slide, Lycanroc swiftly retaliates, using Counter to redirect the oncoming rocks back at Braviary.

"Good thing that Rock Slide is a Physical Move." I smirk.

Kukui commands Braviary to execute Sky Drop, prompting me to order Lycanroc to use Bite in response. Lycanroc's Bite lands on Braviary, but it's not enough to prevent Braviary from lifting Lycanroc high into the air. Braviary ascends rapidly, reaching an astonishing height of 800 meters before hurtling back down with incredible speed, slamming Lycanroc onto the battlefield with tremendous force.

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