Chapter 54

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Upon our return to the Alola Region, we were warmly greeted by everyone, each curious about our experience at Fula City's Wind Festival. Soon after, we set off for Seafolk Village, embarking on a research trip as planned.

Mina graciously offers to be our guide around the island, while each member of our group has their own distinct research projects. Lillie and I, specifically, are focused on obtaining the last two Z Crystals: the Fairium-Z and the Groundium-Z. Additionally, we're determined to complete the remaining Grand Trials.

Mina playfully remarks, "Well, I'm a captain, too, you know? So why don't you see if you can beat my trial? If you're ready to try, just come by my house. Or, yeah, I guess you could just come with me... Let me know if you wanna go together."

Later, after our group disperses, Lillie and I follow Mina to her house, where we meet her parents. Mina, with a hint of amusement, asks, "So, I take it you're ready to take my trial, right? You did come to my house like I said, after all."

"That's precisely why we've come," I affirm.

"Heh heh heh... Then let the trial of Mina begin!" Mina smiles, "I guess I've got to tell you what you need to do. You have to battle me! I can take you on at the same time."

Mina deploys three Pokémon: a Ribombee, a Granbull, and a Mawile. Lillie and I quickly strategize and opt to engage with Salazzle, Sandslash, and Lycanroc to battle.

During the battle, Mina decides to showcase the Z-Move. After performing the intricate dance, she commands, "Use Twinkle Tackle!"

Her Ribombee executes the attack, transforming into a shooting star and forcefully tackling Lycanroc, knocking it out. Despite this setback, we persevere and ultimately manage to overcome Ribombee and the rest of Mina's team, with Salazzle emerging as the last Pokémon standing, securing our victory.

"Woah! I'm shocked at your strength!" Mina gasps. "Phew! Looks like you have had some kind of island challenge! Since you managed to beat me, though, I'll give you this Pink Petal as proof."

As each of us receives a Pink Petal, confusion flickers across our faces. "That's a good start. But you've only just begun my real trial. Now you have to go around to all the captains in Alola and get a petal from each one of them!"

"Wait, all the petals from each of the captains?" Lillie asks in surprise. Suddenly, a memory surfaces: before our group separated, Mina had seemed to distribute something to Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, and Sophocles. It becomes apparent that those were likely the petals Mina mentioned. I presume it's not just those four; we likely also need to obtain petals from Ilima and Acerola, who are most likely situated on Melemele Island and Ula'ula, respectively.

We opt to utilize Charizard to head to Ilima's location first, despite this requiring us to depart from Poni Island immediately. Luckily, with Professor Kukui's authorization, we are granted permission to return to Hau'oli Cemetery, where Ilima is situated.

Before departing for Hau'oli Cemetery, we encounter Hau and his Decidueye. Hau greets us enthusiastically, "Hey! I know you're happy that we beat Ilima and all, but you've still gotta wait for me, partner! Oh! Hey, Ash and Lillie! I heard the news from Gladion, you know. Saviors of Alola, huh? Heh heh! I'm glad I got to set out on my island challenge together with such an awesome Trainer. But I'm not slacking off, either! It's good to have fun in battle, sure... But losing a battle because all you're really doing is having fun is...well... You can't let down your Pokémon when they're fighting their hardest for you, now can you? Right, Decidueye?"

Decidueye nods in agreement with Hau's words. "I know you want to win... And I'm gonna make sure that happens! And here. Have a Max Elixir! You should go ahead and use one when battle is dragging on and on!"

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