Chapter 3

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Under the dimly lit sky veiled by a crescent moon, Lillie and I are outside, indulging in some snacks while gazing at the Alolan moon. However, as I reach for another cookie, a mischievous Alolan Rattata darts out from the shadows, attempting to snatch the treat.

"My cookies!" I gasp in horror.

Lillie remarks, "It's an Alolan Rattata... they usually come out during the dark hours."

"Just great... you know, on the first day of our journey, a Rattata tried to swipe my lunch, and that's when Serena managed to capture it. Now I'm not letting this pesky one escape," I assert.

Pikachu leaps into battle, and I command, "Pikachu, let's show 'em what we've got! Thunderbolt, go!"

The Rattata skillfully dodges, retaliating with a swift Tackle. The skirmish intensifies until finally, I decide to hurl a Poke Ball, capturing the Alolan Rattata.

"Well, not really sure what to think when Rattata is our first catch again..." I shrug, uncertain of the unexpected turn of events.

Rattata (Alolan Form): The Mouse Pokemon: Dark and Normal Type. Night after night, they sneak into people's homes seeking food. A massive outbreak of them has become an issue of public concern.

"Well, we've better warn Hobbes about the problem as well." I say with a sigh.

The next day, we are strolling at Route 1 with Trenor and Selene by our side, since Elio is now busy working. Amidst the outskirts of Melemele Island, an unexpected encounter unfolds as we stumble upon a wild Alolan Raichu, sparking an intense reaction from our Pikachu. Recognizing Raichu as a once-cruel figure, Pikachu's demeanor shifts to one of anger and hostility, memories of past conflicts resurfacing.

"Easy, Pikachu," I urge, attempting to halt the imminent clash. "Let's hear what he has to say before things escalate further."

The Alolan Raichu, noticing Pikachu's aggression, hesitates, but a glint of recognition flickers in his eyes. "Pikachu... it's me, your father. Please, just give me a chance to explain," he implores, his voice tinged with remorse.

Pikachu's ears twitch in disbelief, torn between resentment and curiosity. With cautious reluctance, Pikachu eases up slightly, allowing Alolan Raichu to share his story. "That wicked trainer abandoned me... I regret every action I've taken, every moment I caused harm," Alolan Raichu confesses, his voice heavy with remorse.

Moved by his sincerity, we decide to intervene, capturing the Alolan Raichu. We head back to Lillie's mansion, transferring our female Pikachu and Raichu to the mansion. The trio engages in a heartfelt conversation, deliberating the uncertain future ahead.

"I don't know if I can trust him," Pikachu admits, his voice tinged with lingering pain.

"But he's truly sorry, Pikachu. Sometimes forgiveness can lead to healing," Lillie suggests, attempting to bridge the divide.

The female Raichu, filled with a mixture of emotions, speaks softly, "I still care for him... I want our family to be together again."

After a heartfelt discussion, a decision is reached—Alolan Raichu would be given a single chance at redemption. Both Pikachu cautiously agree, hopeful for a chance at restoring their fractured family.

"I promise to make amends," Alolan Raichu pledges, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you for this opportunity."

Raichu (Alolan): The Mouse Pokemon: Electric and Psychic Type. Evolve from Pikachu with Thunder Stone in Alola. It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it.

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