Chapter 63

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The first match of the Top 4 is between Lillie and Kiawe. Olivia acts as the referee, announcing, "We're kicking off today's events with the first semifinal match! Give it your all, pushing yourselves to become better Trainers! I expect nothing less from both of you!"

As it's a 2-on-2 battle, Kiawe commands his Marowak into action, while Lillie calls upon her Samurott. Alice remarks, "Samurott, huh..."

"Yeah, that same goofy one," I reply.

Kiawe takes the initiative with Marowak's Bonemerang attack, but Samurott swiftly dodges and retaliates with a powerful Aqua Jet. Marowak counters with an Iron Head, but Samurott withstands the blow and retaliates with a Razor Shell attack. The battle intensifies as Marowak attempts a Flare Blitz maneuver, narrowly dodging Samurott's Hydro Pump. However, Samurott capitalizes on the opening, striking Marowak with a critical Megahorn, ultimately securing victory for Lillie in this thrilling showdown.

Kiawe's second Pokemon is Turtonator. As the match commences, Turtonator faces off against Samurott's calculated strikes. Samurott initiates with a powerful Razor Shell, but Turtonator shields itself with Dragon Tail, thwarting the attack and retaliating with a forceful swipe, sending Samurott crashing into a wall. Recovering swiftly, Samurott braces for Turtonator's follow-up Dragon Tail, using its Fury Cutter move to offset the impact, causing both Pokémon to stagger backward.

As the battle intensifies, Turtonator engulfs Samurott in a searing Flamethrower, prompting Samurott with the damage. Responding with intense Revenge, Samurott charges headlong into Turtonator's Shell Trap, catching Lillie off guard.

"Good move, but you see..." Lillie smirks. "It's not enough to stop Samurott." Then she continues to have Samurott use Revenge. Kiawe strategically orders Turtonator to endure, prompting it to unleash a potent Focus Blast, surprising both trainers. Turtonator continues its assault with another Focus Blast, overpowering Samurott's resilience and ultimately securing victory against Lillie's Samurott.

"Type Null, it's your turn!" Lillie exclaimed, stunning everyone as she sent out the Pokémon, Type: Null. Lillie has Type: Null unleash an Air Slash, but Turtonator counters swiftly with Flamethrower. Type: Null follows up with Crush Claw, prompting Turtonator to use Dragon Tail in defense. Lillie orders another Crush Claw, and Turtonator attempts to evade with Shell Smash, causing Type: Null's claws to embed in the battlefield. As Kiawe prepares for an Inferno Overdrive Z-Move, Type: Null breaks free from its helmet, revealing Silvally beneath.

"Wow... it evolves!" Lillie gasps in delight.

Silvally: The Synthetic Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Type: Null with high friendship. Its trust in its partner is what awakens it. This Pokémon is capable of changing its type, a flexibility that is well displayed in battle.

"Silvally!" Lillie quickly tosses a Fire Memory to Silvally, allowing it to emerge unharmed. The ingenious strategy surprises the crowd and Kiawe, while Turtonator shows signs of exhaustion.

"No way!" Kiawe gasps.

"Now Silvally is shrouded in a crimson garment of fire. There's no flame that can harm Silvally now." Lillie smiles. She commands another Crush Claw from Silvally. Despite Turtonator's attempt to deflect with Dragon Tail, it gets stuck, wobbling before collapsing on the battlefield. Rushing over, Olivia declares Lillie as the victor of the round.

"Remarkable as always, Lillie," Serena comments.

"Absolutely," Alice remarks.

I observe Gladion smiling at Lillie, prompting a smile from me as well.

Guzma and my battle is next. Nanu is the referee, and Guzma says, "Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in human form—it's your boy Guzma!"

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