Chapter 27

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Upon returning to Konikoni City, we decide to train all three Rockruff, and we notice that the other two are on the brink of evolving. As we continue our training, one of the Rockruff evolves first and transforms into a Midday Form Lycanroc.

Lycanroc (Midday Form): The Wolf Pokemon: Rock Type. Evolve from Rockruff at LV:25 during daytime. Its quick movements confuse its enemies. Well equipped with claws and fangs, it also uses the sharp rocks in its mane as weapons.

Later that night, the second Rockruff evolves, transitioning into a Midnight Form Lycanroc.

Lycanroc (Midnight Form): The Wolf Pokemon: Rock Type. Evolve from Rockruff at LV:25 during nighttime. It has no problem ignoring orders it doesn't like. It doesn't seem to mind getting hurt at all—as long as it can finish off its opponent.

The last Rockruff, the one I used during the trial, appears to be deeply despondent. Not only does it miss out on evolving, but it also feels remorseful for what happened with Dartrix. Even though Dartrix has forgiven it, a sense of guilt persists. Realizing that it's missing, we decide to embark on a search to find it.

"Rockruff!" Lillie and I exclaim upon finding him lying on the ground, appearing injured. Concerned, Lillie asks, "Rockruff! Are you okay? You're scratched all over!"

However, Rockruff just growls in response. I intervene, saying, "Rockruff, you need to go to the Pokémon Center immediately. Nurse Joy can help you."

Ignoring our pleas, Rockruff continues barking and howling, and then something unexpected happens—the scales from the sky begin to fall... Tapu Lele's scales. "Wait, could this be..."

Amidst the confusion, Lillie notices Rockruff leaving and shouts, "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Unexpectedly, Rockruff tackles Lillie to the ground and bites her. Shocked, I gasp, "Lillie!"

Realizing his actions, Rockruff suddenly shows remorse. "I'm sorry..." It expresses before swiftly darting off.

The following day, both of us struggle with drowsiness as we make our way back to the Pokémon Center. Professor Kukui scolds us sternly, "Look! Wandering off in the middle of the night is inexcusable!"

"We're sorry, Professor. But Rockruff disappeared, and we were really worried, so we went after it," I explain.

"We found it again, but it ran away," Lillie adds with a frown. "That's when we decided to let our Lycanroc continue searching while we returned. Could this be related to Rockruff's evolution?"

"You know, it's possible. My Lycanroc disappeared just before evolving," Olivia suggests. "It eventually returned, but only after completing its evolution."

"It was all scratched up and unconscious," I describe, and the others express concern as they join in the search for Rockruff.

As we persist in our search for Rockruff, accompanied by our other Pokémon, Professor Kukui, and Olivia, she inquires, "So Ash, Lillie, any inkling where Rockruff might be?"

Lillie shakes her head. "No clue..." Her expression turns troubled. Suddenly, a Yungoos rushes past us, shedding scales along its path. I gasp, "Hold on... the scales... Tapu Lele! It must be nearby."

"Tapu Lele? Why do you think that?" questions Professor Kukui.

"Professor, I believe Rockruff may have gone to seek Tapu Lele," I assert.

"That's concerning," Olivia remarks, displaying worry. "Tapu Lele's shimmering scales possess healing abilities for Pokémon, but Tapu Lele can also act inadvertently harsh. It perceives its actions as playful, not realizing the potential harm it might cause."

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