Chapter 35

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With the entire building plunged into darkness due to the blackout, I inquire, "Is this blackout part of the expected process?"

"Gyargh?! No way! Did I blow a fuse?! Oww! Did the door close?! Let's see, we'll need to turn off the security system to get the door open... You'll have to pass an audio quiz! I-it's fine. I definitely feel a powerful presence. It's coming now. The Totem Pokémon is coming. So let's get this trial going, OK?" Sophocles exclaims in a fluster.

"IN ORDER TO OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING AUDIO QUIZ. WHAT SOUND DO YOU HEAR?" As the sound plays, Lillie recognizes it immediately, stating, "I think I know this sound, it's from the Pokémon Center."

"CORRECT! OPENING DOOR..." Just then, the door opens and the lights simultaneously flicker back on. Surprisingly, a Grubbin and an Elekid appear in front of them, catching everyone off guard. Sophocles, slightly startled, looks to us, saying, "Whoa! As soon as the door opened, two Pokémon came through! I'm counting on you, Ash and Lillie!"

In a strategic battle, we choose Salandit and Mudbray to confront the two unexpected Pokémon. With synchronized efforts, our Pokémon engage in a fierce battle, showcasing their strengths and tactics. After a challenging match, our Salandit and Mudbray emerge victorious, successfully defeating the Grubbin and Elekid.

"I knew you could do it, Ash and Lillie! Oh, and just when I said it, the door closed again!" Sophocles exclaims. "I think one row of Charjabug isn't giving it enough electricity... If that's the case, all we need to do is add another circuit!"

After we arrange the second row of Charjabug on the panels, Sophocles states, "Now we're ready to power up the Pinger!"

He presses the button, and the machine begins to shake slightly as Sophocles observes, "It's actually working... The Pinger is getting a good dose of power! Yes! We're getting much more power than on our last try!"

As the power fluctuates once more, the familiar voice chimes in, "IN ORDER TO OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING AUDIO QUIZ. YOU HEAR THIS SOUND WHEN YOU GET WHAT?"

Recognizing the sound, I quickly respond, "Is it the Rotom Phone?"

"CORRECT! OPENING DOOR..." The door swings open, revealing an Electabuzz and a Charjabug standing there. Sophocles reacts, "Whoa! As soon as the door opened, a Pokémon came through! This one's up to you, too, Ash, Lillie!"

We engage in battle once more, choosing Salandit and Mudbray to face the new arrivals. Through a challenging confrontation, our Pokémon emerge victorious, effectively defeating both the Electabuzz and Charjabug.

"I knew you could do it," Sophocles praises as the door closes and the lights flicker back on. "And then, of course, the door goes and shuts again!"

"What's with this door?" Rosa murmurs in frustration.

"Fool me once, shame on the door. Fool me twice, shame on the security system. Fool me thrice, shame on me, I guess..." Sophocles remarks humorously, trying to lighten the mood.

Trenor interjects solemnly, "It is not a time for jokes."

"But here it comes! We're picking up traces of the Totem Pokémon extremely close by!" Sophocles announces, turning his attention back to the machine, signaling the imminent arrival of the Totem Pokémon.

"And those Pokémon... It seems like the more power we pump into the Pinger, the bigger Pokémon it attracts. This is amazing, Soffy! If that's the case, let's give it some more power! That'll definitely summon the Totem Pokémon!" Molayne exclaims excitedly.

"The more Charjabug we connect in a direct line, the greater the electrical current that is generated, and the longer it flows..." Sophocles explains. "So that means—"

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