Chapter 39

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As we reach the deserted Thrifty Megamart site, Acerola announces, "The time has finally come, Ash and Lillie! So, I guess I should explain what kind of trial this is, huh?"

As we gaze upon the abandoned Megamart, Acerola explains, "This old building is full of lots of Ghost-type Pokémon. Did you know? Here's where the trial part comes in. You've got to find the Totem Pokémon of this site and snap a shot of it with a Poké Finder! The totem is a bit of a trickster, and it likes to play hide-and-seek and mess around. If you take pictures of the other Ghost-type Pokémon inside, it'll definitely come out to get in on the fun and have its photo taken, too! So, if you see something weird happening inside this old place, try to check it out. I bet you'll find a Ghost-type Pokémon causing the mischief, so get its photo before it's gone! I'll just borrow your Poké Finder for a sec. Hee hee! And your Rotom is a Ghost type, too! We just do this, and..."

She collects both of our Rotom Phones and inserts something inside. "There! I've set it up to use a special shooting mode just for this trial. You'll only be able to use it at this site, though. As soon as you enter the building, your trial will begin. Got it? And you can't catch any of the Pokémon, either. And you can't leave without giving up, too, so make sure you're ready for anything!"

"Are you both feeling nervous?" Rosa inquires.

"Definitely... I mean, considering all the paranormal encounters we've had," responds Lillie.

"Wait, so only Lillie and I are permitted to enter?" I inquire.

"Apologies, but the others will need to wait until you complete the trial before they can enter," Acerola explains.

As we step into the Megamart, we're met with a scene of shattered cupboards and toppled cash registers. "I wonder what led to this ruin," muses Lillie.

"Tapu Bulu was responsible for this. This site is its sacred ground, but people ventured in and constructed this place, leading to its destruction in a fit of rage," I explain.

We explore further and witness the conveyor belt stirring to life on its own. Swiftly, Lillie retrieves her Poké Finder and spots a Gastly. As she captures its image, the Gastly retaliates, prompting her to call upon Absol, which swiftly deals with it using Night Slash.

Amidst Lillie's battle, we catch sight of a Pikachu darting past, pursued by another Pikachu. "Hey, Pikachu! Where are you off to?" I call out.

Snagging the Pikachu, it exclaims, "There was a Pikachu over there!"

"Don't be silly, Pikachu," I reassure it. At that moment, a shopping cart begins moving autonomously. Upon investigation, I discern that it's a Haunter. With Zoroark's aid, we manage to defeat it using Snarl.

In a sudden moment of realization, I find myself separated from Lillie and notice Acerola standing in front of a door. "Who are you?"

"Acerola?" I call out, puzzled. "What are you doing here?"

She brushes off my question. "Oh, never mind that. Looks like you're done with the trial, right? We should hurry up and leave this place," Acerola insists, much to my confusion.

"Wait, I haven't located the Totem Pokémon yet..." I respond, feeling perplexed by her urgency.

"This place is dangerous. You should give up on your trial and get out," Acerola adds, still not facing me.

"But I'm not done yet." I assert firmly, noticing the sudden change in Acerola's demeanor. Before I can react further, she abruptly shouts, "I told you to get out."

Something feels off; her words and behavior don't align with the Acerola I know. "I'm not leaving," I assert silently to myself, growing more certain that this might not be the real Acerola. Her escalating tone and irrationality make no sense.

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