Chapter 40

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As we return to Tapu Village, I find my Mom there due to the Contest, which presents an opportunity for us to assist Selene in achieving her fourth ribbon. Selene just needs one more ribbon before acquiring the coveted Ribbon Cup. My Mom mentions that, as of now, Selene is the only one in Alola who has managed to secure four ribbons.

As we make our way back to Route 13 to reach Haina Desert, Mom joins us since she's also heading to the Ground Manor. At the barricade, the guide recognizes the Ghostium Z, saying, "Ho! That's Ghostium Z right there! Then let me just get this thing out of the way for you! One second..."

Once the barricade is removed, the guide offers, "I've even got a special gift for a Trainer like you, who managed to clear Acerola's trial! Which would you take? Fresh Water or Normal Water?"

The choice of "Normal Water" turns out to be a playful jest, and we receive Fresh Waters instead, a light-hearted twist to the offer, though she also gives us some Adrenaline Orbs.

As we arrive at the Haina Desert, Selene remarks, "So this is the Haina Desert... It's just sand, as far as the eye can see... sand, sand, and more sand..." Her observation captures the seemingly endless expanse of the desert's sandy terrain.

"True," my Mom chuckles. "This is the Haina Desert, but our destination is near the Ruins of Abundance. Once we get there, we should see a lot less sand and more of the area's distinctive features." Her reassurance hints at a change in scenery as we approach the Ruins of Abundance.

"But the issue is... do any of you know which direction we should head in? The Sandstorm seems to be enveloping the entire area..." Trenor voices his concern.

"I'm not certain... we might be a bit lost ourselves," I admit, eliciting a wave of concern among the others as uncertainty sets in amidst the swirling Sandstorm.

Amidst our wandering with no clear sense of direction, we unexpectedly stumble upon a dead end. Surprisingly, this dead end turns out to be a stroke of luck as we discover a cache of Z Crystals. Acerola gasps in astonishment, exclaiming, "Look at that! They're Psychium-Zs!"

"That's right, there doesn't seem to be any Psychic Trials around here," Rosa remarks. "Using Psychic Type Z-Moves could be quite advantageous."

"I reckon the dance might be similar to the one Mew used," I mention, recollecting my training sessions with Mew, specifically learning the move Genesis Supernova. This move not only inflicts damage but also establishes a Psychic Terrain. The dance involved placing my index fingers on my forehead and then extending my left palm forward.

As we reach the Ground Manor, Trenor immediately collapses onto the bed, letting out a contented sigh, "Ah, finally, familiar beds to sleep on."

Amidst light laughter, Selene remarks, "So this is your place as well. It's actually quite nice."

Acerola observes, "It looks like you have a race course here too."

I explain, "Indeed, this course is designed specifically for Pokemon Racing. The inspiration came from Serena's Mom, who happens to be a renowned Rhyhorn Racer. She had the brilliant idea, and we set up this course accordingly."

As we explore the race course, I'm joyfully greeted by several of my Ground-type Pokémon. Gliscor, in particular, maintains its playful habit of landing on me whenever it gets the chance. Other Pokémon like Donphan and Flygon also join in, creating a warm and familiar atmosphere as they interact with me on the race course.

After a period of relaxation and training at the Ground Manor, our Salandit undergoes a stunning evolution into a beautiful Salazzle. Given its Shiny status, the evolved Salazzle possesses a unique appearance, displaying a striking white hue that sets it apart in its newfound form.

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