Chapter 65

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As we hasten toward the next Ultra Beast location, an unexpected call interrupts our journey, this time from Professor Mohn. "I assume you've encountered Buzzwole. I need you to examine this," he states urgently.

To our bewilderment, the images displayed on the screen are initially blurred and indistinct. Curious, Serena inquires, "What exactly are we supposed to be seeing?"

"Thanks to Professor Burnet's assistance, we've managed to enhance the data. Take a look now," Professor Mohn responds. Gradually, the images begin to clarify, revealing a disturbing revelation. "There have been multiple reported sightings where individuals, all possessing Z Crystals, were attacked by this particular Ultra Beast, and they all have had their Z-Crystals stolen. We decide to name this Ultra Beast Pheromosa, which is coded as UB for Beauty in the International Police database."

"Pheromosa..." I murmur, the name resonating with a sense of caution.

"Pheromosa shares the same typing as Buzzwole, but be wary of its incredible speed," Professor Mohn warns before abruptly ending the call.

As we arrive at Verdant Cavern, we're taken aback to discover all our other classmates gathered there. Lillie questions our presence, asking, "Guys? What are you doing here?"

"Our Z Crystals were stolen," Lana reveals with disappointment evident in her voice.

"The culprit was so fast that we couldn't even see it," Mallow adds, frustration coloring her tone.

"It's an Ultra Beast, and apparently, there are four of them. We're on a quest for my Mom to send these Ultra Beasts back to their own world," I explain, trying to shed some light on the situation.

"That sounds cool," Sophocles remarks, displaying a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm.

With the newfound information about the formidable Ultra Beast Pheromosa, we realize the urgency of the situation. Hastening our journey, we make our way to Verdant Cavern, preparing ourselves for the encounter with this swift and dangerous entity.

"So how are we going to trap the Pheromosa?" Alice asks us, prompting a brainstorming session. "Let's see... what is our fastest Pokémon?" I ponder aloud.

"I have an Electrode, do you think it will help?" Serena suggests.

"We won't know unless we try," I reply just as a swift shadow darts in front of us. Reacting swiftly, I dodge the attempted theft of my Z Crystal. "Woah... that was fast..."

Thinking on our feet, Serena sends out Electrode and commands, "Use Rollout!" The Pokémon collides with Pheromosa, but despite its speed, Electrode falls slightly short and is hit back with a Triple Kick.

"Electrode isn't fast enough?" Lillie gasps.

"Then what about this, Ninjask!" Alice suggests, releasing the Pokémon. As Ninjask materializes, its Speed Boost ability kicks in, elevating its speed even further. It outpaces the Pheromosas, gaining an advantage. "Use Air Slash!" Alice commands.

The attacks swiftly overwhelm and knock out four Pheromosas simultaneously. Rosa remarks, "They're taken down that easily?"

"They're Bug and Fighting Types with weak defenses," I explain while swiftly launching four Beast Balls at the subdued Ultra Beasts. "Step one is done. I need your help to return those Z Crystals."

"You can count on us, Brother," Trenor assures as our other classmates work together to recover the Z Crystals. Meanwhile, the four of us head into the Ultra Wormhole, arriving at a desolate expanse known as the Ultra Desert.

The Ultra Desert sprawls with turquoise crystals, flowing sand, rocky formations, and scattered shrubs. Its vast landscape stretches endlessly, with monolithic structures rising sporadically, creating an otherworldly vista filled with an eerie yet captivating ambiance.

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