Chapter 47

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While exploring Seafolk Village in search of Hapu, we encounter a Trainer eager to witness an Alolan Raichu. We showcase our Alolan Raichu, impressing the Trainer, who rewards us generously with the Aloraichium Z, a valuable Z-Crystal.

Continuing our exploration, we seize the opportunity to do some fishing. Our efforts pay off as we manage to reel in a Dhelmise, a Ghost and Grass-type Pokémon known for its affinity towards Steel-type moves. With its eerie and unique characteristics, Dhelmise has become a valuable addition to our team.

Dhelmise: The Sea Creeper Pokemon: Ghost and Grass Type. Swinging its massive anchor, it can KO Wailord in a single blow. What appears to be green seaweed is actually its body.

As we reach Poni Wilds, we locate Poni Beach, excited to try out Mantine Surfing. However, our journey takes an unexpected turn as we head east and engage in battles against various trainers in the area.

During these intense battles, our Poison-type Pokémon, Grimer and Mareanie, gain enough experience and finally reach their ultimate evolutions. Grimer evolves into Muk, while Mareanie evolves into Toxapex, showcasing their newfound strength and power as they ascend to their final forms.

Muk (Alolan Form): The Sludge Pokemon: Poison and Dark Type. Evolve from Alolan Grimer at LV:38. While it's unexpectedly quiet and friendly, if it's not fed any trash for a while, it will smash its Trainer's furnishings and eat up the fragments.

Toxapex: The Brutal Star Pokemon: Poison and Water Type. Evolve from Mareanie at LV:38. Those attacked by Toxapex's poison will suffer intense pain for three days and three nights. Post-recovery, there will be some aftereffects.

Arriving at Ancient Poni Path, we come across Hapu's Mudsdale, prompting Trenor to express his joy, saying, "It's good to see you again, too, Mudsdale! You look to be in fine form."

Mudsdale responds with a hearty neigh, and right then, Hapu appears, exclaiming, "Oh! Been a while, guys."

"Yes, it's good to see you, Hapu!" Lillie greets her warmly.

"Lillie, you look different... like you're ready to go all out in something now," Hapu observes with surprise.

"Thank you, Hapu. I've finally discovered what I need to do. So this is my Z-Powered form!" Lillie beams with newfound confidence.

"Ho! Then you do your best, Lillie," Hapu encourages with a smile. "No one could call you lily-livered!"

I say, "Um, so, you know where we can find the kahuna?"

"The kahuna? Hrmm. Don't have one here on Poni," Hapu responds with a slight frown.

We're taken aback by the news, and Selene voices our concern, asking, "Now what do we do?"

Hapu reassures us, saying, "Well, do not be distressed. I wouldn't say that I know nothing of this. All right. Let us all proceed to the ruins. You stick with me."

As we prepare to follow Hapu, our path is intercepted by an elderly woman. Nate politely queries, "Sorry to be rude, but who are you?"

"Ho ho ho! I'm Hap's old gran. Are you friends with my girl?" the grandma responds cheerfully.

"Of course," I reply.

"Ho ho! So she has friends now. Traveling around the islands... making new friends... You kids are luckier than you know," the grandma remarks. Suddenly, a Machamp approaches us, and the grandma proposes, "If you want to head for the Poni Island ruins, how about a bit of help from this old gran? Here. Hand over your Ride Pager a moment."

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