Chapter 8

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Upon arriving at Hau'oli City, Hau sprints excitedly toward the beach, exclaiming, "Beach time! Yeaaahhh!"

Suddenly noticing Selene, a newcomer to Alola, a girl steps forward to guide her through the local greeting. As Lillie and I begin to reminisce about our experiences within the Ultra Wormhole, Hau intervenes, snapping us back to the present. "So what do you think? Hau'oli is something, eh? Alola's gotta be the best place ever to live!" He enthuses.

"Each region boasts its own unique charms," Rosa chimes in.

"Oh yeah! Hey, guys. Come in here with me. I've got a good idea of something you could do!" Hau invites eagerly.

As we step into the tourist bureau, Hau eagerly inquires, "Hey, miss. Is it true that you can get some kinda special gift if you have a Rotom Phone?"

"My goodness, you get the news fast!" The staff member chuckles. "Hardly anyone has a Rotom Phone, but it is true that we have a special item to go with it. It's our very own Poke Finder! Here you go!"

We receive the items, and Hau beams, "Isn't that awesome? You got a Poke Finder!"

Curious, I inquire, "What exactly is a Poke Finder?"

"A Poke Finder is a tool that lets you take photos of Pokemon. Rotom will help point out places where you'll be able to take photos, too," she explains while displaying the manuals. In response, Hau exclaims, "Man, that Rotom Phone is cool! It's like a whole nother partner! I mean, on top of your Pokémon partner! Oh, but I guess since it's Rotom inside... it pretty much is a Pokémon partner? Either way, you're pretty darn lucky. Meet you outside when you're done in here!"

As Hau departs, the staff member remarks, "The photos you can snap of Pokemon with a Poke Finder... They are simply too cute to resist."

Nate notices my Rotom Phone and remarks, "Hey, Ash. Your phone looks a bit different. It's like an Arceus."

I explain, "Indeed, without Rotom, it's an Arc Phone. I acquired it after a journey 200 years into the past."

"Phones in the past? That's hard to believe," Rosa doubts.

As we step outside, Selene's Rotom Phone unexpectedly pops up, prompting us to take a group photo. Hau chuckles and asks, "Ahahaha! What was that for, Rotom? Go and put that little trickster back in your Bag, Selene, and follow me! Enough feasting for the eyes... It's time we take care of our stomachs!"

After Hau dashes ahead, Lillie reflects, "Perhaps Rotom was trying to catch your attention because it wanted to take photos with you."

"I suppose that's possible," Selene responds.

Continuing our stroll, I turn to Lillie and inquire, "Lillie, does this part ring a bell for you? I mean, from our time in the Ultra Dimension?"

"What do you mean by Ultra Dimension?" Nate asks, curious. "What kind of wild adventures have you been on?"

Lillie explains, "To cut a long story short, Nebby brought us to other dimensions while we were trying to find our way back home. During our travels, we ended up in a different dimension that strangely hinted at our journey in the Alola Region... except in that world, my mom was obsessed with Ultra Beasts."

"And Lillie had trouble with touching Pokémon too," I add as we enter the store. To our surprise, as the 99,999th customer, we received the Lens Case.

"It's funny how in that world, the Lens Case was also a thing," I remark.

Curious, Trenor asks, "What exactly is this part?"

Lillie explains, "In that world, I asked Ash whether he picked out all his clothes or if his mother helped. It's interesting because we hadn't met in that world until Ash arrived in Alola."

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