Chapter 19

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That evening, we're gathered around the campfire at Brooklet Hill, preparing a delightful curry for dinner together. However, Lana, feeling mischievous, decides to regale us with a chilling tale.

"In this very hill," she begins, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "those who wander in mysteriously succumb to an inexplicable slumber. They drift off without a hint and, when they finally awaken..."

A sudden, blood-curdling scream pierces the air, causing everyone to startle, though I, Lillie, and Trenor remain composed, immune to the terrors of such tales.

"...they rise, mere skin and bones, as though deprived of sustenance for an eternity," Lana concludes, her voice trailing off ominously.

"It's gotta be just a rumor," Kiawe asserts.

"That's impossible," Selene counters, her voice tinged with skepticism.

"Oh, come on, Lana. It's just another one of your old jokes," Mallow chimes in, trying to diffuse the tension with a hint of humor.

"Yeah, old jokes, all right," Lana responds. Suddenly, the grass rustles, eliciting fear among the group. However, relief washes over them as it turns out to be only the three Rockruffs emerging after playing in the underbrush.

As the savory aroma of the curry fills the air, everyone gathers around to savor the meal. Kiawe notices a sizable portion left, prompting Lillie to explain that she underestimated how much the rice would expand during cooking.

As we engage in conversation, Mallow raises concern about the impending darkness and asks Sophocles if he will be okay. In response, Sophocles retrieves a Lampent-shaped lamp and calls out his trusty Charjabug to power it up, ensuring a steady source of light for the night ahead.

However, upon completing our training nearby, Lillie, Trenor, and I return to the campsite, only to find everyone looking emaciated, resembling mere skins and bones. Alarmed and puzzled, I inquire, "What's happened to you guys? What's going on?"

"What... happened..." they all groan in hunger, their voices reflecting a profound emptiness as if they haven't eaten for eternity. Trenor's voice quivers slightly as he asks, "Hey, Brother, Lillie... do you think the story... is real?"

Recognizing their desperate need for nourishment, we swiftly set about preparing seven generous portions of curry rice for them. Lillie offers, "Hey, guys, there are seconds if you want more."

Their eyes light up with gratitude, and they eagerly request seconds. We work tirelessly, ensuring they have their fill until gradually, they begin to regain their normal appearance, no longer resembling mere shadows of themselves.

"Okay, let's review what we know," Kiawe initiates. "We all experienced suddenly falling asleep without any logical explanation, correct?"

"When Nate and I woke up, we were ravenous, more famished than we've ever been," Rosa adds.

As everyone affirms the consistency of their experiences, I interject, "It's odd, though. Lillie, Trenor, and I weren't affected by this at all. We didn't experience any of these strange sensations."

"Hold on. I remember seeing something just before I fell asleep," Sophocles interjects. "It wasn't clear, but it resembled an umbrella."

"Wait a minute," I murmur, connecting the dots. "First, you fall asleep, then you wake up feeling incredibly hungry..."

"So it was all true," Lana murmurs with a tinge of disbelief. "My story..."

"Your story... about the eerie occurrences in the forest?" Mallow seeks clarification, trying to piece together the unfolding events.

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