Chapter 18

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While we're at the Pokemon Center, Lana is seen working on the Super Rods, and I inquire, "Lana, what are you doing with that rod?"

"Just performing a little maintenance," Lana replies. "I'm planning to reel in some Pokemon using the Super Rod, maybe even a Mega Gyarados."

"A Mega Gyarados?" We gasp in surprise. Trenor chimes in, "Wow! I didn't know you could catch one like that!"

"Just kidding," Lana quickly clarifies. Lillie adds, "That's right. There's no possibility of finding a Mega Gyarados in the wild."

"But I'm going fishing. Since we're on Akala Island, it's a deal." Lana says, "I'll fish for its biggest catch."

"Fishing, huh..." Nate says. "Brooklet Hill is actually a perfect fishing spot."

Olivia then joins the conversation, saying, "So, you're planning to do some fishing, right? There are rumors of enormous Totem Pokemon dwelling in the lake near Brooklet Hill. Lana, would you be interested in becoming the Trial Captain there?"

Lana's eyes light up with excitement as she responds, "Totem Pokemon? Absolutely."

"And as a token of appreciation, I'll also offer you a Z Crystal for your new Z-Ring that you recently discovered," Olivia adds with a smile, as we all make our way to the location. However, Selene, Mallow, and Sophocles decide to head back to Kiawe's place since Mallow is eager to conduct some food testing.

As we arrive at Brooklet Hill, Olivia accompanies us to ensure Lana's readiness to become a Trial Captain. Lana confidently asks, "So, trial-goer... Will you be attempting my trial?"

"That's the spirit, Lana!" We cheer for her, showing our support as she takes on the role of a Trial Captain for the first time. She glances at her notes and starts explaining the trial, "Let's see... Then I'll explain the trial to you. Look over there, do you see that?"

We notice the bubbling water in the middle of the pond, and Lana remarks, "See that vigorous splashing? I wouldn't be surprised if a fearsome Pokémon is causing all that commotion... But I won't expect you to swim through all the pools on your own. I have a special gift to assist you."

She requests our Riding Pager, and to our surprise, she registers the Lapras inside it. This means we can now surf on water without the necessity of the HM move Surf. "If you climb atop Lapras there, you will be able to travel over bodies of water. That's right. You'll even be able to reach those splashes and see what is going on there."

As we reach the source of the splashes with Lapras, we discover that it's only a Wishiwashi causing the commotion. We swiftly defeat it and continue our journey to the other side. Lana remarks, "Oh my... So it was Wishiwashi kicking up all that water? Even a little Wishiwashi can make such big waves..."

However, shortly after, we hear more splashing in the distance. Lana's expression changes, and she comments, "Oh me. What is that? I can hear wild splashing from over there... It sounds even larger than what we just saw. Is it a Pokémon? Is it a person? I suppose we had better go check."

As we reach the second lake, Lana directs our attention, saying, "Now, then. Do you see those two splashes over there?"

"Yeah, we see them," I respond, slightly puzzled.

"I am thinking that at least one of them might contain a Wishiwashi. In fact, it's likely both might. Don't you agree? Would you try to drive them downstream with a little help from Lapras?" Lana suggests.

Lillie and I decide to approach each splash individually. Lillie encounters a Wishiwashi and uses her Fomantis to defeat it, while I discover a Dewpider in the other splash and have my Pikipek defeat it.

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