Chapter 66

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A few days later, while diligently training our Pokémon, Looker suddenly bursts in with a sense of urgency, his German accent ringing through the air. "Es ist ein Desaster!"

My mom lets out a resigned sigh. "Oh, Mr. Looker, back so soon again? Could it possibly be..."

"Yes, indeed it could! And it is, boss! I've received a tip regarding another UB sighting! This time, it's on Akala Island!" Looker announces.

"Then we must waste no time. We'll head to Akala Island immediately and establish a base of operations at a motel along Route 8," my mom declares as we all make our way toward the designated motel.

As we arrive, we're greeted by Anabel, who's already waiting for us, and to our surprise, Fairy Captain Mina is also present.

"I've managed to gather all the necessary intel about the UBs this time. This young lady here was our informant," Anabel informs us.

"Excellent. Your task now is to secure the site and ensure the safety of the surrounding areas," my mom instructs.

As Looker and Anabel depart, Mina approaches us with a friendly greeting. "They sent me here on an errand. Since I'm not occupied with trials or anything."

Curious about her assignment, I inquire, "Who sent you here? We're a bit confused."

"It's a secret. Oh, and I had one more directive. Or perhaps it was a request? Anyway..." Mina pauses for a moment. "I was told I should engage in a serious battle with Ash before returning. I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems like some sort of test of strength. So, come on! Let's have a battle! Have a Pokémon battle against me!"

Excited about the challenge, I say, "Sure, I'll battle you."

Mina initiates the clash by sending out Klefki, while I decide to counter with Sandslash. The battle unfolds with strategic maneuvers, each Pokémon showcasing their unique skills. Sandslash's swift movements and ground-type attacks clash against Klefki's tricky playstyle, but ultimately, Sandslash prevails with its resilience.

Next, Mina calls upon Granbull to the field. I respond by sending out Muk, ready to face the Fairy-type head-on. Muk utilizes its poison-based attacks and sturdy defense, managing to weaken Granbull's resolve and secure another victory for my team.

Shiinotic enters the fray, casting its ethereal glow across the battlefield. To counter its mystical powers, I opt for Lucario, relying on its fighting abilities to match Shiinotic's mystical prowess. The battle intensifies, each Pokémon delivering powerful strikes, but Lucario's determination and fighting spirit secure another triumph.

With Wigglytuff taking its place on the field, I decide to unleash Palossand, relying on its ground-type strength to counter the Normal/Fairy-type opponent. Wigglytuff proves to be a formidable opponent, but Palossand's strategic use of ground-type moves overcomes the challenge and secures another victory for our team.

Finally, Mina calls upon Ribombee, the powerhouse with the Z Move Twinkle Tackle. Knowing the threat it poses, I send out Steelix, relying on its immense defense and steel-type moves to face the formidable opponent. The battle rages on, both sides unleashing powerful moves, but ultimately, Steelix's resilience and well-planned tactics prevail, clinching the final victory.

"Thank you for the battle. I'm out of here," Mina bids farewell before departing. My mom, acknowledging the strength displayed, remarks, "It seems that our precocious young miss here is not someone to be underestimated..."

"Although she's a bit peculiar, isn't she? A true individual spirit..." Alice adds with a hint of amusement.

"But now, it's time to focus and get to work! I'll be in charge of backup once again. And for you, here are the Beast Balls you'll need for this mission!" My mom hands us more Beast Balls, emphasizing, "Now, all that's left is to wait for Lusamine to provide you with the data about the next Ultra Beast."

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