Chapter 48

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As we step onto Ancient Poni Path, we're surprised to encounter members of Team Skull obstructing our way. Lillie asks, "You're from Team Skull. What is it that you want from us?"

"Here they come! I hear about you numskulls at Aether. Do you really know how to open an Ultra Wormhole and save our boy Guzma?!" The first grunt demands.

"Lemme see if you really are bad to the bone enough to save our boy Guzma!" The second grunt challenges us, sending out an Ekans. However, we swiftly defeat it with Bruxish's Psychic Fangs.

"Ow, that hurts! Even my heart hurts!" the grunt exclaims. "OK, no bones about it - you're way stronger than me!"

"Doesn't matter! We'll come after you with all our Pokemon at once then, li'l home slice! We'll give 500 percent to save our boy Guzma!" Then they attack at the same time, and we're forced to battle all of them.

But it's also fine, since I also get to try the new Z-Move that I've obtained. I equip the Aloraichium Z and initiate the electric dance. "Use Stoked Sparksurfer!"

Alolan Raichu surfs into the air before crashing down on the opponent Pokemon, defeating them all in the end.

With them all defeated, the grunt says, "I may have lost, but listen up, yo! Please save Guzma for us!"

"You dummies." Just great, here comes Plumeria. "They're trying to save the boss, so what do you wanna get in their way for?!"

She leaps down and says, "Hmmph. You, girlie... Lillie, right? You really ready to do this finally? To be honest, I've treated you really badly. Even if I was just doing the work the president told me to do, I shouldn't have done all that. Even if I apologize now, I know it's probably too late for you to forgive me, though. See, Guzma... he really likes the president. She's the only adult who ever seemed to see how strong he was."

Lillie responds, "The president... My mother is— She's selfish. She decides all by herself what she thinks needs to be done to make other people happy, not even caring what it is they may want... But people ought to help one another out! That is what I have learned here in Alola! And that is what I'm going to teach her, too. Then I think we can save Mr. Guzma."

"You know...deep down, you're kind of like the president. You've gone in a different direction, but I can tell you have the same strength in your convictions." Plumeria acknowledges, shaking her head. "Ash... Lillie... I know you've got no reason to help, but... But could you help us save Guzma?"

"You can count on us." I respond, and she takes out two Z-Crystals. "That big dummy... I don't think he's even aware of it, but... Alola really means a lot to him. That's why he's doing something so reckless to try to save it. The Poison-type Z-Crystal... Maybe it'll help you somehow."

We receive the Poisonium-Zs, and she says, "I guess giving you this Z-Crystal is also kind of, what did you call it, helping each other? Oh yeah... You got your first stone directly from Tapu Koko, didn't you, Ash? You'd better take care of it. That's one special Z-Power Ring you've got there. A Trainer is only a Trainer because of the Pokémon with them. If you ever forget that, you'll bring the wrath of the tapu down upon yourself. You should be fine, though. I'm out of here."

After ushering the grunts to leave, Selene remarks, "I suppose even Team Skull is not all bad..."

"Yeah, now let's go," I say as we make our way toward Vast Poni Canyon.

Inside the entrance of Vast Poni Canyon, we encounter Hapu, and she says, "Did everything go well?"

"Of course," Lillie responds, displaying the Sun Flute. "We received a lot of help to obtain this."

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