Chapter 2

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When we return to Iki Town, Professor Kukui says, "There you are. You just missed Kahuna Hala; he said he had something to attend to, so he left town on his own. Has anything happened at the Mahalo Trail?"

"Well..." Before we can answer, we hear the villagers exclaim, "The kahuna is back! Kahuna Hala has returned! Our Guardian's chosen one is back!" "Only one of the strongest Pokemon users in all Alola, yeah!"

We notice Kahuna Hala walking up, and he says, "Did I miss something?"

"There you are, Kahuna Hala! Was there some kind of trouble?" Professor Kukui asks.

"Ahaha! Just got caught up in the middle of some brawling Rockruff, that's all!" Hala says, "And who are you?"

Trenor, Lillie, Elio, Selene, and I decide to introduce ourselves, and he laughs, "It's nice to meet all of you. For some reason, I thought I saw Tapu Koko flying about..."

It is just then that Nebby pops out of the bag again, and Lillie gasps, "Nebby..."

Professor Kukui and Hala notice the Pokemon, and Professor Kukui says, "Whoa, what do we have here?"

Lillie hurriedly explains, "This is Nebby, Professor. It's a Pokémon that I've been taking care of."

Professor Kukui's eyes widen in surprise as he observes Nebby. "Incredible! I've never seen a Pokémon like this before. It's fascinating!"

Hala nods in agreement. "Indeed, quite a remarkable sight. Seems like it has quite the fondness for popping out at unexpected times."

I say, "Kahuna Hala, you see... Nebby was attacked by a group of Spearow on the Plank Bridge."

Lillie adds, "And Ash here helped protect Nebby. But the bridge collapsed, and I feared they might both fall to the bottom of the ravine... That was when the island's guardian deity swooped in to save them!"

"Woo! That's quite the tale, something you don't hear every day!" Professor Kukui exclaims.

"Ho! Though said to protect us, our Tapu Koko is a rather fickle creature. Yet our guardian was moved to save you," Hala adds, nodding thoughtfully. "Kukui, my boy, I think we have reason to celebrate! It seems we have brave and kind new Pokémon Trainers among us!"

Then he steps forward, "I'm delighted to meet you, young one. I am Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island. Welcome to Alola! Young Kukui had informed me of your arrival. I'm pleased we have the opportunity to meet today."

Then Lillie realizes something and says, "Nebby, I trust that Kahuna Hala and the professor will keep you safe from any harm, but it's best if you stay in the bag and out of sight. Safety first."

Selene chuckles, "Nebby seems to have developed quite a fondness for you."

Then Professor Kukui gives Elio and Selene their Trainer's Passports, and then we can all head back home for now. Suddenly, Hau shows up and says, "Guys, wait up!"

Hala asks, "What's the matter, Hau? Did you forget something?"

"You're seriously asking me that?! Who's the one here who forgot to inform anyone before wandering off for a little stroll and a song without a word, huh?" Hau retorts.

Hala turns to me and notices a glow emanating from my bag. He asks, "Hm? Ash... Would you be so kind as to let me have a look at that sparkling stone you have there?"

"Sure, here you go," I respond, handing over the stone.

"Could it be?!" Hala exclaims in surprise.

"Tutu, isn't that..." Hau also gasps, recognizing the stone.

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