Chapter 45

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As we step outside, an unexpected sight meets us—Team Skull, led by Guzma, stands before us. Quick to act, Gladion steps forward, ready to face Guzma in a battle. Meanwhile, Hau exclaims, "Whoa! There's, like, an uku billion Team Skull thugs in this place!"

Selene voices her realization, "So, the foundation was indeed collaborating with Team Skull?"

Lillie adds, "Even though Ash and I were aware of this, it's still..."

"This is, like, way too mind-blowing to think about right now! Let's knock some skulls together for now!" Hau encourages as we charge ahead, engaging and defeating a swarm of Team Skull grunts.

We rush forward, only to find Gladion lying defeated by Guzma. Silvally's helmet is shattered, a clear indication that the battle was intense, yet Gladion had been unable to emerge victorious. Gladion grits his teeth, murmuring, "Ngh! So I'm still not strong enough. All the days that I struggled alone and lonely... it was all for nothing? Is that it?"

Noticing our arrival, Guzma exclaims, "The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here! I did that spoiled little brat a favor and crushed him. Yeah, that was me. Y'know, I kinda liked you, kid. Leaving home like that and wanting to get stronger and stronger. You had some real guts. Going so far as coming over to Team Skull. And rejecting your own mother?! That was impressive."

Gladion continues to grit his teeth, and Guzma says, "And now it's your turn! You little misfits keep getting up in my grill, like a cloud of smoke that I can't brush away. It's time I put out your fire at the source!"

He now employs four Pokémon, including Vikavolt. Lillie and I decide to battle together, deploying Pikachu, Greninja, Gardevoir, and Incineroar against his team.

"Let's show our full power!" I raise my hand, and Greninja begins its transformation into the Ash-Greninja form, stunning everyone in sight.

"What's happening with that Greninja?" Selene asks, perplexed. "I've never seen that before..." adds Rosa.

"Tch, you think that's going to stop me," Guzma sneers as his Bug Pokémon continue their assault with Lunge.

After effortlessly defeating each of our Pokémon, Lillie also expends her Z-Move for Greninja's Black Hole Eclipse. Now, it's my turn, and I opt to use the Psychium Z on Gardevoir.

"Let's do this!" I initiate the Psychic dance, shouting, "Shattered Psyche!"

Gardevoir harnesses its Psychic powers, levitating the Golisopod and slamming it into numerous invisible barriers before finally knocking it out.

"Hey, what's up with you? How come I can't smash you?!" Guzma yells in frustration. "Guzma! What is wrong with you?!"

I ponder why he always reacts like this after I defeat him. He mutters, "Tch. Looks like I got no choice. Go on...go through."

Lillie and I rush ahead, only to be surprised by Dulse and Soliera standing in front of us.

"An Alola to you, Ash and Lillie!" Zossie greets.

"It is the custom of your people to have your Pokémon do battle if your goals are in conflict with those of another, isn't it? That is what we have learned during the course of our research," explains Dulse.

"So you're here to stop us as well?" I inquire.

"I may not be well-practiced in Pokémon battles, but I will make you leave Cosmog to us. Show them your power, Poipole!" Dulse commands as they attempt to engage us with Poipole. In response, we swiftly defeat it using Gardevoir's Psychic.

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