Chapter 5

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When we arrived at the Trainer's School, it was bustling with people. Professor Kukui decided to take the three of us to the office for our registration process, while Trenor chose to return to his classroom.

After completing our registration, we headed to the classroom and discovered that there were seven students present. Aside from my friends Nate, Rosa, and Trenor, who were already there, the four Trial Captains were also in attendance.

"Alola!" Professor Kukui greeted us as he ushered us in. Everyone is taken aback and thrilled upon seeing us, and the three of us reciprocate with a cheerful "Alola!"

"Starting today, Ash, Lillie, and Selene will join as students here at the Pokémon School. If there's anything they're unsure about, please lend them a hand!" Professor Kukui announces, encouraging the others.

Subsequently, we proceed with our introductions, taking our seats as the class officially begins.

After the first class concluds, Nate and Rosa approach us with warm greetings. Nate expresses, "It's been quite some time since Unova. Even though Trenor had mentioned it, it's still surprising to see you participating in the school here."

In response, I explain, "When we arrived here, we realized the importance of gaining educational knowledge. We're planning to spend about a year here in the Alola Region."

Following that, the other Trial Captains take the opportunity to introduce themselves to us. When they notice the Z-Crystal on my Z-Ring, they appear surprised. Kiawe asks, "I've never seen a Z-Crystal like that before. Where did you get that?"

"It's a gift from Tapu Koko," I explain, much to their surprise.

"You've met Tapu Koko?" Mallow gasps in astonishment.

"Yeah, it happens during the Island Festival when we're given the Z-Power Rings from Kahuna Hala. Then, out of nowhere, Tapu Koko shows up and presents this to me. Although we're still unsure about the specific identity of this Z-Crystal, as it's neither Electrium-Z nor Pikachuium-Z," I clarify.

Lillie says, "Tapu Koko can be very fickle. Although we call him a guardian diety, he doesn't only look after people. It's said he can also cause trouble and will sometimes even punish people. And in rare instances, it seems he gives mysterious gifts to humans he favors."

"So that means Tapu Koko likes Ash." Rosa says.

Kiawe says, "Don't think using a Z-Move is that simple. With a Z-Ring, the feelings of a Pokemon and its trainer must first become one. Only then can it take that feeling and change it into power. It should hold dignity. It should be for the island, for the Pokemon, or for someone else's sake. Only those who are considerate of everything in the world are allowed to use Z-Moves. I don't know what Tapu Koko sees in you, but since you all now have Z-Rings, you need that type of conviction."

"I don't really understand confusing stuff like this, but you're right about that. We have to take good care of these." Selene says.

Lillie remarks, "Tapu Koko can be quite unpredictable. Despite being known as a guardian deity, he doesn't solely watch over people. It's said that he can stir up trouble and at times, even deliver punishment. Yet, on rare occasions, he bestows mysterious gifts upon humans he favors."

"Then that means Tapu Koko favors Ash," Rosa suggests.

Kiawe adds, "Utilizing a Z-Move isn't a simple task. To use a Z-Ring effectively, the emotions of a Pokémon and its trainer must align as one. Only then can those emotions be converted into power. It's about holding a sense of dignity—using it for the sake of the island, the Pokémon, or for someone else. Only those who consider the world's entirety are deemed worthy to use Z-Moves. I can't fathom what Tapu Koko sees in you, but now that you all possess Z-Rings, you'll need that level of determination."

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