Chapter 58

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We rush to the left door and do some teleportations. We see the grunts forming a human wall, hands intertwined, barring our path forward. "They are persistent," I remark, feeling the tension rise.

Alice looks at me with concern. "What should we do?" she asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

Zossie steps in with a solution. "We can Teleport," she suggests. Without hesitation, we lock eyes and focus our concentration on teleporting us away from the blockade.

Suddenly, the world swirls around us in a disorienting rush of energy. In an instant, we find ourselves materializing in front of the door, bypassing the grunts' human barricade. The sudden shift leaves us momentarily unbalanced, but we quickly steady ourselves, ready to face whatever challenges await beyond the threshold.

As we step through the door, our surprise knows no bounds as we're met by a familiar face - Archie, the leader of Team Aqua. Alice mutters in disbelief, "No way..."

"Hm, what's this? You defeated the Team RR goons, did you now? Well, that's a shame. They weren't my real crew, but they were still mine for the moment," Archie remarks, an air of nonchalance in his tone. "...The name's Archie. I'm the leader of Team Aqua. Just when I completed my great plan, I got swallowed up by a giant wave... And when I came 'round, I was in this world."

Lillie turns to Alice, seeking clarification. "Alice, you know him?"

"Yeah, Team Aqua's goal is to expand the waters using the power of Kyogre," I explain, recalling the history of Team Aqua's ambitions. "But this is probably not the same Archie, because he's now working with the Devon Corp to observe the sea nature..."

Archie reveals, "The boss of Team RR was kind enough to let me use this room as my own. I've been tryin' to figure out a way to get back to my own home. And I do want to go back eventually, but I find myself thinkin'... maybe I should make this world more like my ideal while I'm here anyway! I've got the Sea Basin Pokémon, Kyogre..."

The revelation that Archie possesses Kyogre shocks us. The prospect of facing a legendary Pokémon like Kyogre significantly lowers our chances of victory. He continues, "With its power to control the rains, I'll call down a great deluge to wash away this world's land! All life is born from the sea! If we help the ocean to expand, we're creating the cradle for future life to grow and thrive! The best possible future for people and Pokémon, don't you think?!"

"As if we're agreeing with something like this," I retort, unable to fathom supporting Archie's drastic plan.

Archie's expression twists into one of defiance. "Oh, so you want to get in my way just like that buffoon from Team Magma. Well then, you little scamp... It's the rope's end for you and your Pokémon!" he declares fiercely, his voice filled with determination.

With unwavering resolve, Archie swiftly unleashes his formidable team of five Pokémon: Mightyena, Crobat, Muk, Sharpedo, and the awe-inspiring Kyogre. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Serena, Alice, Lillie, and I join forces, summoning our trusted Pokémon companions: Heracross, Ampharos, Steelix, Meganium, and Zeraora, ready for the impending battle.

The skirmish begins with a whirlwind of intense attacks and strategic maneuvers. Heracross charges in with its powerful horns, while Ampharos harnesses its electrifying moves to counter Crobat's swift aerial assaults. Steelix, with its colossal size, stands as an unyielding fortress, deflecting blows from Muk with its sturdy body. Meganium's soothing nature and grass-based moves provide a strategic advantage against Mightyena's fierce onslaught. Zeraora's lightning speed and agile strikes work relentlessly to outmaneuver Sharpedo's swift aquatic attacks.

Despite our valiant efforts, the battle rages on, each side showcasing skill and determination. Working as a unified team, we manage to overcome Archie's Pokémon, one after the other, with calculated precision and strategic prowess. However, even after a fierce clash, the formidable Kyogre stands tall, its immense power and resilience proving to be a challenging obstacle. Notably, Archie refrains from employing the Blue Orb or the Sharpedonite, I think he doesn't even have those things in his own world.

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